To do list...

Jul 16, 2006 01:51

Fandom to do list:

1) Write the remaining 25 entries for the psych_30 challenge. Lower it down to 15 if possible before going back to school.
2) Write Sasha's birthday fic, S/B in Smallville
3) Read Dark Victory and everything I'm downloading from T.
4) Make a Jason Blood/Etrigan mood theme
5) Write the sequel to 'A Better World', and the one after that
6) Finish fixing 'Breakable' and 'Interlude II' for OTLU, so I can write the last piece and finish the series.
7) Write the 'Superman Returns Redux' challenge piece
8) Write Wally's entry for Ghost Fires, and Lex's, before going back to school
9) Do something about the CSA story that's staring at me from it's half started state.
10) Gear up for the next chapter of JL:VS, I'm next after amejitsu! Woo!
11) Round up all info on the Monster Weapon Plot to post in the JL:VS admin place.
12) Do something about batty-Rex and Batman/Hawkgirl.
13) Write Etrigan/Phantom Stranger
14) The Gorillas.
15) Bruce Wayne Two Face, Harvey Dent prosecutor bunny that needs plotting and writing

There is a post of mine, from back in March or so, when I wondered how did people got involved in so many projects at the same time, when I could hardly get one series moving. Well. I still haven't finished that series, and I picked up plenty of bunnies in the way. I guess that's the way people do it: reluctantly.

plot bunny

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