Ten fictional characters I would sleep with...
1.Batman (Batman): He's Batman. He's wrong in the head, but he never stops trying. Also, sexy as hell :)
2.Jenny Sparks (The Authority): Jenny is so right, it can't be wrong. She's powerful, she doesn't take shit from anyone, she does as she pleases and she doesn't take shit from anyone. Sexy as hell :) Also, doesn't take shit from anyone.
3.Wednesday (American Gods): We're talking business here, and I have a thing for redheads (at least I always thought of him as a redhead). Cunning mean bastard, I'm so in this train.
4.Jason Blood (The Demon): Demon inside! Redhead! Magician! Broody and pretty and powerful. I was sold before I knew it.
5.Wesley (Angel): I love men who push themselves to be almost meta-human. I love Wesley all the more because when he started he was such a stuck up wimp, and the character developed great.
6.Barbara Gordon (Birds of Prey): Redhead again, smart as the day is hot, savvy and balanced and badass. Babs is one of my fav girls in the world.
7.Oliver Queen (Green Arrow): I love Ollie, even if he's a cheating bastard. I have no idea how is it that he's so compelling, back when Wally was a womanazing dick I didn't like that at all, so what's the difference with Ollie's shenanigans? I'm gonna say the beard. It's probably a magical one.
8.Eric the Phantom (The Phantom of the Opera): There is no book more unfair than this book. The asshole got the girl and the sweet fucked up guy ends up dead. He's smart, he's talented, sure, he kidnaps the girl, but he was so much cooler than Raoul. Poor, poor Eric, I cried so.
9.Liz Sherman (BPRD and Hellboy): Mmm, pyrokinetic. I love her, and I love the actress who player her in the movie. Strong girl, she struggles but she's her own person. She tries. Go Liz!
10.Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show): Because who wouldn't? I mean, he's a sexy mad scientist who sings and dances and looks great in make up. My devotion to Frank knows no limits!
I've been feeling sick and not in very high spirits. I have two weeks left of school and then another 2 weeks of final projects, so all my fiction projects are on hold. I'm very tired, it's stupidly hot in here (38 C is not a temperature conductive to site work, how do I hate visiting the site). I'm also in a fowl mood, which means some heads will roll. Oh, how will the roll. School better hurry finishing, or there will be hell to pay.