Scans: Justice League Wedding Special

Mar 06, 2010 00:31

So.. I ran into Black Canary's Wedding Planner Special a few days ago, and thinking it would probably be pretty terrible, I sat down to read it for laughs. Boy, did I laugh. See, flist, this year not one, not two, but three persons close to me are getting married. I make emphasis on this because in a lot of ways, my life has become a living hell. My brother and two of my best friends are marrying their respective partners, and I'm a bridesmaid in all of them. FLIST. WEDDINGS ARE NOT THAT FUN FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME. So, seeing this insane event unfold in comics has brought me many, many laughs. I thought I would share!

In this post, 11 scans of Justice League Wedding Special behind the cut. Tomorrow some scans from Black Canary Wedding Planer and Green Arrow & Black Canary Wedding Special! YOU ARE ALL INVITED!

(What? you thought I would suffer through the wedding fever alone? nuh-uh! I'm dragging Bruce with me!)

I love how Bruce calls it like he sees it there X) This whole conversation cracked me up so much. Hal is so cute here!

LOL X) Bruce!! COULD YOU BE ANY CUTER?? I love that signaling thing he has going on with John about the party decorations.

That, Roy, is a perfect description of Batman. How adorable are Roy and Hal? SO ADORABLE!!

:D :D big hugs for Ollie! yesss!

I love that panel with Guy and Aquaman II talking. Boy talk! grrr! so angry! XD Also, Bruce, polite as ever. Boy, I miss him.

Detectives! I love that Bruce took Roy with him. This is Dwayne McDuffie's run on JLA, which I wish had been less tied in with crazy events because this has fun dialogue and nice action! But, I don't know. I have such a thing for mentor!Batman. He could have taken any other League member with him, but nope! Roy! Awww. TOO CUTE FOR WORDS.


Aww! compliments in the middle of the battle! <3

I kind of really like Joker in this book (not that I posted much of the plot) but he's.. crazy but not cu-cu crazy. He's very very smart, and I have a thing for smart villains. Also the art confuses me because everyone's pretty and Joker should not be pretty or my brain explodes.


fannish, scans, black canary, green arrow

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