(FIC) My favorite book (is a monster)

Dec 31, 2009 11:44

Happy birthdayyyy taro_twist!! I wrote this story a bit ago in a state of complete exhaustion (mithen prompted it! the story, no the exhaustion...) and here it is, for youuuuu!

Title: My favorite book
Rating: G
Characters: Clark Kent
Word Count: 1000+
Summary: Clark is many things, and he's a writer at heart.

I thought the book was a monster but maybe not? Could be, though! )

fic, clark kent, gift, gen

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Comments 16

bradygirl_12 December 31 2009, 18:54:56 UTC
Oh, wow.

You have the writer's heart, m'dear.

You have Clark's heart.



arch_schatten January 1 2010, 00:22:33 UTC
Thank you Brady! it was such a strange story to write, almost automatic fiction, you know? and I felt something else was lurking inside it, so it's a very tickling story for me. Thank you for reading!


quiet__tiger December 31 2009, 20:49:56 UTC
This had a Stephen King vibe to it for me. ...I hope that's a compliment to you. Very interesting.


arch_schatten January 1 2010, 00:30:34 UTC
That's.. the awesomest compliment around for me! wow, thanks! I.. really feel like the book is a monster of the Stephen King kind, so yeah, I'm really happy you got that feeling! the kind that could devour you and yet be part of your life. I dunno. It seems like such a nonsensical story but I felt like there was something lurking inside it while I wrote it and it never fully came out. Kind of.. automatic writing, you know? writing when exhausted is fun! thank you for reading! :D


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arch_schatten January 1 2010, 00:17:46 UTC
I'm sorrryyyyy! the reason why I think the book is a monster is I think the books is alive, and doesn't belong to anyone, but has been 'eating' away the people it ensnares. So.. every time Clark imagines what the book is, the book sort of reaches into him and drains him. I think, were the book ever move to the next pair of hands, the last name would be Clark Kent, Metropolis.

So, yes. I think the book is a monster and Clark does have a heart of a writer but he also has a delicious heart and the book will eat it and then teleport somewhere else to find a new morsel.

I. I am sorry I tease! I wasn't really trying to, but.. the book you see! it won't tell you what it is, or you would destroy it!!


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arch_schatten January 1 2010, 01:14:02 UTC
LOL, well, I guess it could be! you know Rip is a secret womanizer.. people..izer. Whatever! casanova, yeah! And I don't know what the deal with the book is, I just.. feel like the book is a monster, lol. Like, in the Stephen King kind of way? the kind of thing that devours you but you learn to live with...


kirax2 January 1 2010, 08:58:44 UTC
Very interesting and clever piece. Though I kept thinking, "If you let Bruce look at the book, I'll bet HE could figure it out." *laughs* But of course that wouldn't be the point. ^_^


arch_schatten January 4 2010, 02:50:36 UTC
Heh, it was such a strange thing to write, I felt like there was something lourking around the story/inside the book. That's why I think the book is a monster! And.. yes, I suspect Bruce would eventually realize what the book was, and he could be all WE MUST DESTROY IT! and Clark would be all D: D:

Such is life! X) Thank youu for reading!! :D


mithen January 2 2010, 14:28:29 UTC
Smiling monster book! My favorite detail of all of it is still the unfinished pages, how Clark enjoys leaving them blank and frustrated and full of potential. And I love the list of Clark's lists! All those mundane things we keep listed in our lives, the story frames them and infuses them with meaning, both good and ominous.

I love Clark as a writer and stories that focus on that aspect of him, and this one is particularly resonant. I'm glad I prompted the story, not the exhaustion! ^-^


arch_schatten January 4 2010, 02:56:30 UTC
The monster book is not happy with Clark for leaving it blank! he's like 'come onnn buddy! you know you want to!!' I like lists a lot. I find it hard to think they aren't part of everyone's life! X)

Writer!Clark is awesomeee!! I wish I had more bunnies for him, he has great insight on the human spirit. Or at least I think he does!

I hope you had a great flight! +snugs+ thanksss for playing with me even when I'm crazy tired or feverish and weird! :D


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