Public Enemies: The Rambling!

Sep 27, 2009 11:18

To say I am super behind everything would be quite an understatement. Work+School+Sewing classes+Italian sure seemed like a good idea at the time.

But now! because I don't feel like doing homework, I bring you... a live commentary of Batman/Superman: Public Enemies!

-Is that Jon Stewart at the beginning? or Conan O'Brien?
-Lex Luthor has green eyes, not blue, damn it! Wasn't that even a plot point in Infinite Crisis... wait. Was it the other way around? I always remember Lex as green eyed...
-Hahaha, if they tried to make the S/B logo less slashy by taking the Superman out of the Batman, putting a slash between the two logos DIDN'T HELP AT ALL.
-The credits look spiffy!

-Man, Power Girl sure runs daintily. I kind of expected her to have a power walk, not a 'running with heels' walk.
-I like how Captain Atom and Major Disaster have like, no memory. Uh, bunch of good months with Lex Luthor! not like he was a respectable businessman before! surely he is the bestest guy ever now! Also, isn't Major Disaster a not very good superhero himself? I have memories of him killing, uhm, Kyle's girlfriend, was it? I guess with that history you're more willing to believe Lex is a good guy now...?
-Amanda Waller! wooo!
-Aww, Lex! that IS why I like you! 'Not going to put the fates of this planet in the hands of freaks' indeed. I mean.. I like superheroes, but I gotta say I love your agency, Mr. Luthor. I wouldn't trust you much further than I can throw you, but I like you all the same!
-Haha, bantering boys. 'Hey Bruce, I just came to watch your giant television.' 'Cool, cool, I'm gonna be over here.'
-Half naked bodyguards! hahaha, oh Lex.
-'To hell with collateral damage! I will punch the President if I want to!'
-LMAO at the Magpie exchange! I forgot all about it! hahahaha, gossiping in the sewers, it's all the rage!
-Haha, Batman, you are such much fun! 'Your proof is that you were with me? niceee, given how I'm such a stellar witness and all!'
-PG, wtf?? 'He didn't do it, he doesn't have it in him' is not what I would call a persuasive argument. Also, bow chika wow wow, Lex Luthor proceeds to seduce Power Girl y/y?
-Awwww, Jealous!Batman! Who would choose Lois over this adorable version of you??
-Awww, Batman doesn't like to be carried??? Lies, it is all the miffed jealousy talking! X) Also, they could fly grabbing each other's forearms, wouldn't that be safer? hold hands, cute as it is, doesn't seem like a very good way of flying...
-I like how Mr. Freeze doesn't say anything. 'Sup Bats' 'Hey Vic, cool company you're keeping these days.' Gotham villains just seem to annoyed out of Gotham...
-Pepper spray? uh.. really? what is it that the cowl ejects? would that mess Bruce up too? ...and Grundy is affected? Isn't he a zombie?
-Hahaha, the banterrrr! I could watch hours of just banter X) This is what Loeb got right, nevermind the crazy storylines. The banter is a thing of beauty.
-Oh come onnn!! what is up with Power Girl??? She was certainly not this puny in the book! if anything, she was barely there! I prefer barely there than this!!!
-Starfire, really? At the service of the US? ego much, America?
-No Pierceeeee! don't fight with Bruce, you two are meant to beeee! you're my Outsiders OTP!!
-I have no idea how Batman got away from the whirlwind. He was there one moment, then gone, and Kal wasn't carrying him! Ninja disappearing act!
-Uhm, okay, Major Disaster, points for super creepy inappropriate comments.
-Man, that is the stupidest intervention ever! Yes, Batman, I'm talking to you. 'How does Luthor make you feel?' uhhh, okay. It doesn't make me see the Lex/PG any less.
-The only woman besides Waller with lines in this story, and she's a total pushover. What a disgrace.
-Hahahaha, the emphasis on SO STUPID! Go Bruce!
-Sorry, PG, this is what happens when you are brash and stupid and have no balls.
-Rookie mistake, Lexie.
-Hahaha, that kiss is hilarious. Amanda is so gonna file for sexual harassment.
-Mmm, delicious costume swap. Bruce, rawr. And Clark also looks really good in red and white, man. Bruce sure looks tanned.
-Animated Bruce and Amanda have the strangest, sweetest of relationships.
-Green and purple suit!!
-Hirooo <3 heee! Soooo muuuchhh loooveeee.
-You know Bruce, that's like the 5th time that rope move backfires on you.
-Bruce, you and suicide. It gets me every time.
-LOL at Clark parading Bruce around.
-Augh man if the S/B comics are slashy in a good way this is slashy in a sad way. Lois this Lois that, way to be a cockblocker, Lane.

I want a Loisless do-over!! arggg!


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