The haps

Mar 23, 2009 20:48

Hello there, flist! yesss, I am behind, as usual, and yesss, I ought to catch up. And I will. This week! I have a lot of time in my hands!

The reason for such time is that I have been laid off. Now, this is not a terrible thing. Though it does cause me anxiety and angst and wild mood swings, I have spent -as of tomorrow- a week as an unemployed architect, but more important, as a single, free, happy 23 year old. I don't think I have been this excited about life in, uhm... well, not for quite a long time, now. I have Plans -beautiful, crazy plans!- and they seem feasible, and I have time and I am able and I don't have any economic woes, so I have convinced myself that this is more like the start of a wonderful road that I can travel if I want, or I can shackle myself again to a job that will not make me happy -I have turned down a couple of offers because I simply do not want to start something that will make me miserable.

The compensation from the company amounts to about 4 months of my previous salary, thus I have given myself leave to spend at least the next 4 months doing whatever I please. I believe that in pursuing what makes me happy I will find a way to turn it into something that can support me. I spent seven months in a job that made me want to die, so I think I should find something meaningful if I plan to stay alive.

The big plans as-of-now are:
-Volunteering as a designer/fund raiser at an orphanage that a friend of my mother runs.
-Doing the remodeling projects for my house's facade and my father's office building.
-Setting up an independent office with my work sister -which also got laid off, along with the other female architect in the design department, what are the odds???- for interior design.
-Sewing! sewing like the end is neaaar!!
-Carpentrying. For Good and for Awesome.

Well, and reading and writing! I have started going running in the mornings again, I am getting a lot of sun and air, I am no longer battling an omnipresent allergy that the dust from ceramic production was giving me, I am no longer continuously threatened to be fired, I am no longer doing a job that was badly paid for, a career dead end and completely meaningless, and I am looking at life with hope and joy again. I cannot express how free I feel, and I am thankful for the time I spent at my job because I did learn a lot and it gave me a chance to do some things that I might have not done otherwise. The cycle is over, though, and I am left with more friends than when it started, more experience, more security in myself and my abilities, more money in my savings account, and a bag full of dreams and the time to work on making them happen.

So. Yes. I am happily unemployed, however odd that might be.

Also: I finished the goddamn Gothic book! wooooo!!! wooooooooo!!! GO MEEEEE! XD XD I only took me 7 months!

the job i want, the world is awesome, ferret's agenda

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