I was searching
Superunderwear Perverts in search for models for superheroes, and found a pretty cute Tim underwear model. It kind of looks like Venom is eating him whole, but who could blame Venom??? Timmylicious!
So here it is! My favorite Robin, photoreferenced! (does he kind of look like Jason, or is it me?)
Heee! stretching Robin! I kind of really liked his smile. I want to learn how to deal with the lines -they should be thinner than this!- and how to control the pressure with the pen 'cause when I get obsessive/nervous I grasp things with too much force. But I'm also learning to fret less since I use a lot of layers and I can screw up without screwing everything up... it's a lot of fun! At some point I'll have to just.. try to sketch by myself without tracing/looking at other stuff. But for now I'm happy doing close studies of underwear models. Pretty!