Sun 6 Jul - Rafael Toral, Robin Fox, Anthony Pateras
At the ever loverly Toff in Town, we were to sample the delights that are Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox , followed by Rafael Toral.
Anthony Pateras & Robin Fox laid out a wonderful set, filled with a mix of old and new. The old preformed flawlessly but with that live vibe we all know and love. The new comprising of more samples and synth, have a much more complex textural sound, varying more you could say. Pateras's macbookair was reall getting a work out with all the crazy typing/sampling. Anthony was also using his new Doepfer A-100 modular synth, along with his contact and dynamic microphones. The mess of cables and equiptment was beautiful.
Rafael Toral. Interesting and intriguing that's for sure. The control he has over his (self made) instruments is quite astounding. Especially considering most only respond to touch or rely on controlled feedback.
The first instrument was a handheld marshall mini stack with a filtered microphone attached to it. This is the one that suprised me the most, the range of sounds was quite vast, almost sounding like a trumpet at times.
There was also a large spring on a stand that was running through some modular synth modules and a few effect pedals (most notably the Boss DM-2 Analog Delay). It sounded as your would expect; nice none the less.
Hiss next instrument was a small box with many body contacts, it seemed the body contacts shaped the waveform, controled the pitch and possble other things, it sounded all rather organic and spaceious. Most theremin like but more textural and varied. It was also running through the synth/fx.
His final instrument was what appeared to be a circuit bent mini Fender twin amp, which had many body contacts, this made all maner of hissing, white noise, grinding and ground hum type noises. Interesting; the least musical but a very large selection of available sounds.
A very pysical performance, every (most often very slight) movement obviously being transferred into sound.
Very calculated; yet gentle...