Squee + FujiRyo 100Q

Dec 29, 2005 21:35

I have finally FINALLY got myself a screencapping program that I can use on non-DVDs, and worked out how to use my DVD screencapper *flushes* I feel stupid over not working out how to USE it earlier.
Have a great desire to go screencapping now...
*runs back and forth*
writing fics or screencapping
decisions decisions...

FujiRyo 100Q from tenikime

01. Please give your name and how long you've been a fan of Fujryo.
Arcce. ummm...about a year and a half.

02. How did you start liking Fujryo?
It was the discovery of FujiRyo fanfiction. I wish I could say it was their utter chemistry in the anime, but I discovered the fanfiction when I was only up to episode 5.

03. Who are your four favourite characters?
In order: Ryoma, Kirihara, Shinji, Fuji (though apart from the Ryoma, the others fluctuate positions up and down in my top 10 faves)

04. What other pairings do you ship outside Fujryo?
KiriRyo, AtoRyo, TezuRyo, ShinjiRyo, ShinjiKamio, AtoTez, GP, Silver Pair, Dirty Pair, etc and so on...there are heaps that I just don't have the time to complete fics for.

05. Do you like Fuji or Ryoma more?

06. What do you like about Fuji?
The fact that he's a pleasant faced sadist, and readily admits it. Ok, there's more to it than that. He has issues and he smiles even when he doesn't mean it, he's pretty and he scares other people. What can I say? He just works and takes over your brain (though that was probably his plan all along so you can't blame me)

07. What do you think Ryoma likes about Fuji?
Fuji's tennis.

08. What do you like about Ryoma?
The snark. Definitely the snark...and the fact that he's just sooo adorable.
In this case, it's a case of "What is there not to love?"
I find it a real pity that a lot of people automatically write him off as a character because he wins all the time and is the main character. There IS more to him than that.

09. What do you think Fuji likes about Ryoma?
The challenge Ryoma represents personality-wise, the fact that he may be conquered, but he'll never give up. His tennis. As well as his (obviously uke) shapely ass.

10. Who do you think Fuji should pair up with in doubles, other than Ryoma?

11. Why?
...just for my own entertainment purposes as the sadist and the somewhat sadist nutritionist unite

12. Who do you think Ryoma should pair up with in doubles, other than Fuji?
This IS a joke right? Does a second racket count?

13. Why?
Meet Ryoma, he'll chase the ball no matter where it is (does this make him a golden retriever?) even if it results in a face first crash with his 'partner'

14. What do you think is Fuji’s class ranking?
Top 10. He's smart, but doesn't necessarily want to put in the effort.

15. What do you think is Ryoma's class ranking?
1st. Couldn't stand to lose at anything.

16. What do you think Fuji got Ryoma for his birthday?
rated M-15+ Hi-mit-su

17. What do you think Ryoma got Fuji for his birthday?
Exactly what Fuji wanted. Himself.

18. If they go out on Christmas Eve, where do you think they should go?
Tennis court.

19. Why?
Ryoma wants the completion of their match for his birthday

20. When they're "alone" that night, someone suddenly intrudes! Who do you think that is?
Kaidoh...just because he's unlucky that way.

21. At that time, what do you think Fuji said? Do you think he sent the intruder away?
Depends HOW involved they were...and how jealous Fuji was of the person.

22. How about Ryoma?
...if someone could understand his mortified mumbling we'd know.

23. Everyone goes to the first temple visit of the New Year together! Do you think Fuji likes to go with Ryoma?
Of course. More time to torture be with Ryoma

24. When Fuji wants to make a monetary offering, he realizes that he doesn't have any small change on him. From who does he borrow money, and how much?
Ryoma, because he wants to get his hand in Ryoma's pants.

25. What is Fuji’s wish?
For Mizuki to die a long painful death, for Yuuta to come home and for Ryoma to understand the joys of public molestation PDAs, though the resistance he puts up is fun as well.

26. When Ryoma wants to make a monetary offering, he realizes that he doesn't have any small change on him. From who does he borrow money, and how much?
Anyone, but Fuji...the repetitive suggestion for Ryoma to come closer is getting creepy.

27. What is Ryoma’s wish?
To defeat his old man. Senpai's treat burgers the rest of junior high. For Fuji to NEVER EVER meet his father.

28. On Valentine's Day, how much candy did Fuji get?
More than he could carry

29. On Valentine's Day, how much candy did Ryoma get?
If the number of fangirls is any indication, there would have been a lot, but it's a bit hard to tell from the bonfire Fuji lit.

30. When they do sleepovers, do they sleep in the same bed?
just try and keep Fuji out of Ryoma's bed of course >)

31. Who is your seme and uke between Fuji and Ryoma?
Fuji=seme Ryome=uke

32. How come?
Beause! It's a personality thing really, though I can see them switching off roles as Ryoma matures. At their age, it's less of a height thing and more of an experience thing...12 year olds just don't quite cut it (I am not a hypocrite, I just find it so ridiculous that they're all in junior high that my mind automatically ages them all up)

33. If Fuji and Ryoma played doubles against Shishido and Oohtori would their combination be strong? Weak?
I'd say weak, hello, did anyone read my comments on Ryoma's ability to play doubles earlier...though due to Fuji's personality, he'd probably make them a stronger doubles pair than almost anyone else paired up with Ryoma (I would add that it needs a supportive outlook like Oishi's, though I think Ryoma would still feel more comfortable working with Fuji)

34. How much do you think Fuji weighs?
Between 50 and 60kgs

35. How much do you think Ryoma weighs?
Between 45 and 55 kgs

36. Which animal do you think Fuji thinks Ryoma is most like?
Wild cat. Really cute, but more like to scratch you than let you pet it...until you tame it with food and attention that is OMG so THAT'S what Momo's plan is! Stay away Ryoma

37. Which animal do you think Ryoma is most like?
Cat. Lazy(in some aspects), self sufficient, loner, he owns you (and not the other way around)...ok so bascally his entire personality screams cat.

38. Which animal do you think Ryoma thinks Fuji is most like?
If it's not Karupin he doesn't care.

39. Which animal do you think Fuji is most like?
Something innocuously innocent and pretty looking, with a "bite"

40. Which flower fits Ryoma the most?
Don't know enough about flowers.

41. Which flower fits Fuji the most?
Ditto...though what I said for animal!Fuji applies here too.

42. Do you think Ryoma would look good with Fuji clothes on?
Just out of bed? Of course!...if it was just Fuji's shirt...*drools*
No seriously. I can't imagine Ryoma looking bad wearing anything, even if it's just the utter cute factor of wearing something obviously too big...but then again, some of Fuji's clothes *shudders*

43. Do you draw or write for Fujiryo?

44. When Fuji confesses to Ryoma do you think he would be embarrassed or shy?
Not outwardly. Though he's probably be feeling internally conflicted over his desire to confess, and Ryoma's possible reactions (though I can't see Fuji moving until he's fairly certain of Ryoma)

45. Which suits Ryoma more: "ore" or "boku"?

46. Do you prefer the smiling or the sadistic Fuji?
Is there any real difference? They're both Fuji, and they're both absolutely him. I have no desire at all to take one part of him without the other. He just wouldn't be FUJI otherwise.

47. What/who should Ryoma cosplay?

48. What/who should Fuji cosplay?
...Ichimaru Gin (bleach)

49. What should they cosplay together?
...if Fuji was in charge of picking the costumes, something indecent.

50. Is their height difference ideal to you?
hmm, never really thought about it. Though I suppose something a little bit less than 10cm would be preferred...so OCHIBI GETS TO GROW!

51. Right now, do you think their love is unrequited or not?
Unrequited. Come ON. The creators say they're 12 and 14, even if they got together, no way is their relationship going to have the emotional depth to sustain itself in perpetuity. Not that I'm saying they're relationship won't survive to adulthood, I can just seeing it having a number of off and on stages, as well as metamorphisising over time with their maturity...

52. Where would be a good place to be kissed by Ryoma?
*whistles tunelessly* umm anywhere(assuming locale)? (If he kissed you, would YOU be complaining?)

53. Where would be a good place to be kissed by Fuji?
once again...anywhere

54. Do they usually hug each other from the back or the front?
I can sort of see Fuji doing it from the side, so he can claim it as a comradely shoulder lean (though I have an adorable image of Fuji leaning behind Ryoma with his chin resting on Ryoma's head)

55. When they kiss, would you prefer the kiss in a special way?
...I don't understand.

56. What do you think Ryoma’s image color is?
Blue. Because it is. I don't know how my mind works.

57. What do you think Fuji’s image color is?
My mind screams cream, I'm not sure why.

58. When Ryoma gets out of the bath, does he wear a bathrobe? Or does he wear pajamas?
O_o...I didn't know you wear clothes to bathe...though I can see him using a bath robe...or a towel (see earlier comments on does Ryoma look bad in anything?) But definitely pajamas.

59. When Fuji gets out of the bath, does he wear a bathrobe? Or does he wear pajamas?
I preferentially see him wearing a bath robe...and then pajamas.

60. What do you think Ryoma's sleeping posture is like?

61. What do you think Fuji’s sleeping posture is like?
Neat, slightly curled on his side.

62. Do you think they should hold hands or link arms when they walk?
Hold hands. If Fuji offered Ryoma his arm to walk on, Ryoma would slam the door in his face. Please note Ryoma is not a girl. Heck, if someone offered me their arm , I'd be tempted to slam the door in their face.

63. What scenes in the anime made you think about Fujiryo?
Match in the rain. Fuji calling Yuuta to brag over the tennis match. Ryoma finishing Fuji's sentence in Kaidoh's game against Wakato. Training camp.

64. Which scenes in the manga made you think about Fujiryo?
FujiKiri match...I just haven't read enough of it to know anymore.

65. When Fuji confessed that he got thrill’s by playing Ryoma how did you feel?
THRILLED XD I have to go with Mei and say vindicated.

66. What are Fuji’s feelings about Ryoma’s arrogance?
Amused tolerance. He understands that its an essential part of Ryoma's personality, but also something that's likely to be short lived. No matter how many wins Ryoma's going to accumulate, there will always be someone who will put him down when Ryoma thinks he's at his highest point. It's also something that if he feels it's getting in the way of their relationship, he will have no qualms quashing.

67. Nanjiroh catches them kissing. What's Fuji's excuse?
"Oh, I didn't see you there. Would you like me to begin again?" (Would he even bother to excuse himself?)

68. Nanjiroh catches them kissing. What's Ryoma’s excuse?
Flushes, attempts to pull his hat down, burrow into Fuji's shoulder and rolls his eyes all at the same time
"At least you won't be feeling up his skirt"

69. Do you think the two of them call each other by their given names?
Yes. Not at the beginning of their relationship (for Fuji's name), but as they grow more comfortable, it would be a mutual thing.

70. Do you want the two of them to call each other by their given names?

71. Do you participate in any Fujiryo doujin activities?

72. Do you have a homepage, and if you do, is it related to Fujiryo?
Lj, Ff.net, nothing like an actual WEBsite

73. If not would you like to have one?
err, probably not, maintenance issues and all that...plus there would probably be money issues.

74. Do you read Fujiryo doujinshi?
Yes, though rarely coz there are too few, and I don't know where to get my hands on them.

75. Approximately how many Fujiryo books do you own?
approx 0!

76. What do you think their relationship is most like? Heart warming, Rough, Arrogant, Lovey-dovey or something else?
In general, I don't think any of those words describe their relationship. They'll have their ups and down. If they get together in junior high I could even predict them separating. So I'm sure all of those words will have their moments.

77. When you first saw Fuji, did you think that he was interesting?
My first memory of Fuji is him standing alongside the other regulars watching Ryoma play Kaidoh (really should rewatch the first few eps), and it was "Ooh, he's got his eyes closed...umm, back to the match now please." It should be noted, that I'd already put them all down as pretty boys, so their appearance didn't really register for a while.

78. What was the first thing that came to mind when you saw the match between Fuji and Ryoma?
eeee! YES YES YES!!!! Wet pretty boys, staring each other down, adrenaline pumping UST! Gimme More please!

79. In a practice match between Fuji and Ryoma, what would you expect to happen?
UST!...and probably for it to be interrupted, just because...though it will further heighten their tension and thus drive all us fangirls to further heights of insanity.

80. Who do you want to see Ryoma play the most? (Singles only)
Kirihara (SQUEES KIRI-PET)and a complete match against Fuji....though of course I love him playing anyone as long as it's not repetitive.

81. Who do you want to see Fuji play the most? (Singles only)
Ryoma...though almost any match of his is appreciated (except against the scorpion dude coz that match just plain sucked)

82. When Ryoma asked Fuji if he could sleep next to him when the whole team went camping, what were your thoughts?
*cackles* "Fuji SO owns your ass!" ahem *cackles*

83. When it was revealed that Fuji never played seriously what were your feelings??
No duh...you hadn't realised this before now? (Oh emotion)umm...(still haven't actually seen it, though heard quite a bit about it)

84. When you saw Ryoma’s reaction to that Tezuka had won over Fuji, what do you think he was feeling?
Haven't actually seen this yet

85. What do you think that Fuji was thinking at that time?

86. What are your favourite Ryoma lines?
Almost everything that comes out of his mouth.
His utter adorableness when he whines at his father for showing up random places.

87. What are your favourite Fuji lines?
The sadist
The thrill
...whenever he talks about Ryoma
(Ok, it's really late now, so excuse my mind for being a bit blank)

88. When they both realized their feelings, who do you think confessed first?
Probably Fuji, though I can also Ryoma being very straight forward in his emotions in a way Fuji wouldn't be. So, I can also imagine Fuji deluding himself into believing he doesn't have such feelings for Ryoma until he's forced to confront them...then again this competes with the cutely oblivious Ryoma image that I love

89. Where did he confess?
...someplace. Really, it's too hard to go into the convoluted thought processes for locations for my earlier thought. Probably close to a tennis court.

90. What do you think Ryoma looks better in, a school uniform or his regular jersey?
Regular jersey. I think it's the hat.

91. What do you think Fuji looks better in, a school uniform or his regular jersey?
Probably the regular jersey, though it's not a major issue. As long as he's not allowed to wear his everyday clothes...they just don't look GOOD on him to me.

92. If you were to talk to Ryoma, what would you call him? (-kun, -sama, -chan, mamushi etc..)
Ryoma or Echizen (whichever he prefers, and I'm no good at honorifics)

93. If you were to talk to Fuji, what would you call him? (-kun, -sama, -chan, deeta-san etc..)
Fuji, probably with a san if he wanted it.

94. If you could give Fujiryo some advice for their relationship what would it be?
Abuse him and die!

95. Has admiring FujiRyo changed the way you look at some things?
Overall I'd say no, as what drew me to them in the first place, was an outlook on things that I maintain now, though there are offshoots from being invlolved in FujiRyo that has made me more aware of things.

96. Have you had dreams about FujiRyo?
Probably not in the sense you're talking about, but I have dreams before I go to sleep each night where I lie down, stare at my eyelids and write story plots.

97. What is the longest time you've spent talking about Fujiryo?
...Don't know. Brain is FRIED!

98. What's the greatest thing about Fujiryo?
Them. Their personalities are unique and their personalites just WORK together. they have a dynamic to die for, for writing.

99. Is there any other pairing you like about as much as you like FujiRyo?
Probably not, as it will always hold a special place in my heart as it was my first active adventure into fandoms, but I usually get a favourite pairing in all the fandoms I get highly interested in. Current obsession though is KiriRyo (OMG SNARK PAIR)...oh, Hao/Yoh may compete.

100. One last question: What is Fujiryo to you?
I would explain but as I have mentioned, it's late, I'm tired and my brain is fried.

Will edit later for the many typos that will have appeared in this doc, and when brain is no longer in a quite so mush like state...

pot, meme

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