the START THE CAR post

Nov 12, 2016 16:25


THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay so this is uber late, actually got them last week but i'm slow as fuck in posting and a procrastinator by nature ;a; gomen

funny but no funny story? didn't realize they all came in at once so i go to post office thinking i'm picking up one but then the post lady brings out THREE boxes and I was like 'haha no im here for one there must be a mistake'. she said no. i felt bad that i could only take 2 at the time bc they big and i gots tiny dinosaur arms. she was so sweet and said she'd hold the last one until i come back.

the boxes were Halloween themed so everything was spooky and delicious!

first was this frickin long box with tons of ramen.
as of now there are only two packages left, i fucked up my diet on these crates YOLO!
also got this super cute super heavy keychain? thing with the umai box
the shrimp tail are really hard and sharp, almost cut myself with them lol

next was....

i shit you know it is all gone! i have no regrets. the first i heat was the soy 'beef jerky'. they were a little saltier than i'm use to but they def tasted like beef. i fucken loved the dog choco bar, it actually had a collectable dog card in it. there was crispy rice in the bar which was different. we don't have choco bars with rice in them here, just nuts.

brought the cream cookies to work. my coworkers don't deserve such nice things but i was in the mood of giving. it was fun to watch their reaction, which was mostly that of apprehension. if it isn't north american they don't know what to do with it. >>"

got this spooky phone strap which was hidding very well in the corner of the box

last crate was cute and BRIGHT AS FUCK!

hands down the t-shirt blew my mind, it's covered with yokai. my fav is the sexy oni
also got my very first surgical mask. of two styles they randomly placed whichever one into the box and I GOT THE CAT
and the syringe pen is too much should bring to work and see what looks i get ;P

got another phone strap in this one too, it's got ice cream excellent choice my friends.

got to finish packing, heading over the the fam's for the night.

rl; purchase, merchandise

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