Jul 27, 2008 12:30
Having recently shared Miss Rynn's GingerBread cookie recipe after successfully using it for a work function ... I thought I'd write down the family recipe for fluffy pancakes to promote better pancakes in the Canadian style.
It's a mutable recipe based on the number of people you're feeding. My family tends to gorge themselves on pancakes if given the option, so you may find the quantities excessive for those less practiced in munching through a large plate.
This base amount feeds about 4-6, depending on how much everyone eats (see above).
Its a very forgiving recipe, made by habit not measuring cup though I have added approximate [measures] for those that are comforted by them ...
Half fill a medium/large mixing bowl with Self Raising flour. [~3 cups]
Make a dent in the centre to place the other ingredients.
Add a handful or so of sugar (I have used raw, white and brown to similar effect) [~1/2 cup]
Add a pinch of salt (Mum adds this so I do, I'm not really sure why)
2-3 eggs (depending on size of eggs and bowl used)
Briefly mix ingredients, add milk (gradually mixing/adding/mixing) until batter consistency, I tend towards a thick batter at this stage. [~2 to 3 cups]
Mix vigorously, smoothing out lumps etc.
Let stand for 30min - 1 hour, (if insects or children present, cover bowl with a tea towel).
This allows the mixture to aerate, and you should see bubbles in the mixture when you return.
Stir to check consistency, adding a little milk if necessary (which will need to be mixed in). Consistency should be pourable, without being runny~ I would say a medium batter. If batter is too firm, it tends to stay with the ladel when cooking and the end result is less fluffy. Likewise if the batter is too runny, it doesn't stay as aerated and the end result is less fluffy. This is more art than science, much as the cooking, practice being the solution.
Cooking in frypan ~ medium heat, this may need to be adjusted through the cooking cycle, especially if cooking with electric.
Add butter to pan.
Ladel/large spoon/pour three large pancakes to a large frypan. Bubbles should rise as the first side is done, thise should take say 30 seconds ~ 1 min to cook, flip pancakes the second side about half as much, watch to avoid burning. Remove to a warm plate once second side is done.
If the pan is too hot, the pancakes will burn/not cook through. If the pan is not hot enough, they will not be as fluffy (and take forever long to cook). See note re: practice. :)
Repeat till all batter is cooked, adding butter to pan every two sets. You may "destroy" the occasional pancake, when flipping doesn't go as planned, this happens, don't get upset, they are still edible.
Serve with butter, jam, maple syrup, sugar/lemon juice on a pancake by pancake basis, as desired.
For fruit pancakes ... you can cook with various berries, by adding small or sliced berries [~ 1 1/2 cups] to the mixture after making initial batter.
Otherwise you can always serve the fruit outside the pancakes with cream/ice cream instead or with the various toppings listed above.
Enjoy with company ...
Pancakes are a occasional food, best eaten in moderation ... yeah right, who am I kidding, they are yummy and if less fiddly I'd cook them more often ...