Jun 20, 2011 02:04
1 - Gaming and the like has been fun. Running and playing games is good and it keeps me entertained. My by the seat of my pants GM'ing is still as good as ever. ( pat, pat, on my back ) Delta Green will be a fiasco in the "I pay my life insurance daily" sort of way. I have a solid group of people for the summer and this should allow me to actually do a campaign and not just 3 sessions and then bitterness.
2 - Other gaming and the like is in full swing. Lots of Minecraft and Eve, but there has been a lot of oldies making the rounds. X-Com, CS, BF2, BF:BC2, and even a little Brink when I can get into it. E3 this year showed off just how far and not gaming can go. The BF3 presentation smashed Modern Warfare 3 which really showed the dichotomy between console and PC development. BF3 is giving us destructible environments and sweet graphics, while MW3 is basically the Transformers of the gaming world. All the games are basically the same with the exception that the first one they atleast tried.
3 - With Bin Laden dead and the cost of fighting a forever war in Afghanistan no longer justifiable, America is getting prepared for a significant down shift in the Middle East. NATO allies cannot be expected to pull the same weight as America in the fighting and most won't even try. The EU is all fucked up and no one can afford the required economic effort that continued operations need. In my opinion NATO is beginning to crack under the weight of American efforts. She reached out with her mighty fist and smashed a hornets nest and while fighting those hornets stepped in a snake pit and while jumping away from snakes and hornets, the house caught on fire. She looked around and demanded to know why her neighbours were not helping and all they would say is, "it isn't even your property to begin with."
4 - Baseball and the interest I have in it, has returned to me. Going to a baseball game with someone who didn't know anything about baseball was exciting. I pretty much had to explain all the rules and why I liked the sport and in doing so found the majesty of the game again. A 3-1 count with 1 out and a man on first and second gets my brain going. Is the shortstop playing too short? Is the second baseman trying to hold the runner? Is the pitcher going to throw a strike or load the bases? Maybe the batter will bunt. It is like looking at a battle map and wondering how Napoleon would handle it.
5 - Drinking: I am doing a lot of it.
6 - Women I would like to date: are always engaged. Always.
7 - Thinking of Iceland in the spring. Eve Fan Fest.