Jun 30, 2010 04:07
First: G20 I am sick of hearing about you. I am sick of the left freaking out about the police. I am sick of the right defending the police. The only people I want to hear from are people who had no idea there was even a protest. 95% of the people there that day didn't even care what was going on. They were either paid, bored, angry, violent, or dehydrated. No one died. The police didn't fire into the crowd. The protesters didn't set all of Toronto on fire. In the end no one even bothered to figure out what was going on. How many blank stares can you get before you side with the police and hope they escalate their brutality? You want your message heard? Set the fucking city on fire and take your lumps. That is what you went for. Admit it.
Second: Singularity is Bioshock. It is a shameless ripoff. It looks like Bioshock, it plays like Bioshock, it has audio recordings like Bioshock, an upgrade system like Bioshock, the baddies are basically Splicers without the cool dialogue, and the story is much like Bioshock. I should also mention that there is a strong element of Half-Life 2 in this game as well. Female companion (blue jeans and all) with the older scientist, and a fucking gravity gun. The strange thing is that I like it. It's a linear shooter with some good action. The story isn't terrible (because it was stolen from Bioshock) and the boss fights are okay too. Maybe I am just remembering how good Bioshock and HL2 were.
Third: I have immersed myself in all things Stalker. The games, the book, and the movie are all fantastic. The Zone is a magical place where the outside world means nothing. You live, you die, and you profit from it. The outside world is just a place to sell your wares. It is also an excellent commentary on the Soviet industrial society and the damage it caused to Russia and many of the surrounding SSR's.