Dec 15, 2008 21:26
Time for another post under the influenicek!
This present thing sucks, yho.
All the stuff I want, I can't honestly ask someone else to shell out the dough, All the things I need, I already went out and bought.
"hey man, all i want for christmas is a slab of meat!" just doesn't seem jolly, yaknow?
Now, if that slab were womanflesh.... mmmmm yah, ribbons tied up under my xmas tree - I'll open on the spot and to hell with any lame tag telling me to wait!
Ye3ah, slightly pent up here...
*ravageravageimaginaryjoy* rar!
but hey, tis the season, right? I got my roomie a nice baby bonsai tree. Hopefully it will survive his hrrifoooc mutilattions of the green thumb type. Seriously, the noob could kill an air plant...
Not sure what to get anyone else
I saw a Puss'n'boots blush at costco with the latest Shrek movie.... I thought orf Snowie and got conflicted. Awesome plush, yet horrid movie? what message to send? grab bag or confusion incarnate? I hink i might get it for her anywaay! ^v^
Have you ever been at that perfect level of drunk where you arent going to be sick but the entire world is a blurry smear? thats me right now;. Damn I loves me some Green Fairy Lite. We also used MakeBoozyJuice, a.k.a. Absolut 100proof... mmmm....
I think I will keep typing until I am too tired and finally go to bed. Lets see.... what else...
Costco sells thesxe little chocolate truffles every holiday season. They're great, seriously. Melt in your mouth YUM. I would try to type out the brand but I cahnot focus on the bag enough to see. Heck, nost of this is typed by feel and blur than by any proofreading technique! Woo for muscle memory!
It's been cold here the last few days. Like, "freeze the nuts off and not know until 20 minutes later" cold - not that I am really USING those atm, but you get the picture... I had to call my buddy for a ride home tonight! You know its cold when you have to break out the long undierwear to walk to the bus stop. I wonder if they make silk longjohns... rowr! hubbahubba
Last weekend I got my folks an xmas tree. thing was perfect, makes me sad I have no use for the thing at my place, but then again... "hey Mom and Dad, I got this bitchin tree and was gonna give it to you but it was so bitchin I just kept it! HAH! come to MY place for christmas this year and YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!!!!"
My sensory inputs are slightly dulled . Rubbing my footpaws over the carpet is a fairly novel sensation right now. Yeah, I think that means I've had too one many, but hey I'm single, not like I'm gonna puke on anyone in my sleep!! See, its like the song says, always look on the briiiiight side of life!
IcanHasCheezburger is funny. omg, ninjakitty ftw!
AllFurFun has an Ancient Greece theme this year. TO-GAH TO-GAH! mmmm, maybe not.... furs in togas might sear the retinas of those who view such a spectacle. "OH GAWHDZ WHAT IS SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN!"
Speaking of AllFurFun, I met an awesome fur there the past two years. SokiTwoPaw. He was all like "yeah! I want to do a dragon fursuit for you!" and then I asked about the details of the terms of use and he clammed right up! I'm bummed, I have been looking for a dragon suit maker for YEARS and they dropp off the face of the web because I ask if he offers adult options. I think I am a sexy dragon, so sue me! Heck, I'd yiff me! Is that so wrong? ITS NOT INCEST ITS MASTURBATION!!!
...okay, time for beddybye *thunksnkkkkzkkzzzzzz*