Jul 14, 2008 12:27
I am the Gatekeeper. That is the title they have given to me. Although, there has never been a gate to keep. A more suitable title would be the Guardian of the Veil. The Veil is what separates the World of Man and the Fey World. I control who crosses this border on both sides. I shall not give you my name for names still have power even if it is only a fraction of what it was in the earlier years. However, I shall divulge one of my speaking names. You may call me Kai. I was here when the world began and I shall remain after it is gone.
The World of Man was not always as it sounds. There was a time when Man and Fey existed in the same world peacefully. However like all things this changed. Man caused the Fey to flee and thus the Fey world came into being. These events have long since passed and once again things have changed. man has become extinct and Nature has reclaimed what was once hers. The Fey World, now called Somerside, still thrives normally but few desire to cross the Veil anymore. What once was the World of Man is now referred to as Terra.
I live in a structure, not unlike Man's castles, that lies in both worlds simultaneously. Since so few seek to cross the Veil, I have quite a lot of spare time. As a result, I have taken up journeying in Terra. One such as me has seen legends become reality and truth as well as many other astonishing things. However, one of my journeys into Terra provided me with one of the memories I hold most dear. The day the mountains woke up.
The journey began in the middle of what Man termed "Fall." I quite enjoy the weather and sites to be seen in Terra at this time. Therefore, I set out toward one of the mountain ranges near my home in Terra. I call it Quitanya for I have never heard its name. Not that the name really matters because it is not a true name, I simply use it as a point of reference. Anyway, I stopped before I reached the range in order to sit under a most exquisite tree. As I sat there, I felt the earth beneath me tremble and shift. I quickly stood and inspected the direction the tremors has come from. Before my eyes, Quitanya began to rise and twist. I was quite shocked. A few more moments passed and Quitanya proved herself not to be a mountain range but an extremely old earth spirit. she loosed a cry that reverberated through my bones and the bones of Terra. In response to her cry the other remaining spirits of old regained their normal forms. I was surrounded by more old spirits than anyone could ever hope to see. So many of them survived the Rule of Man and the Reclaiming. It was the most amazing sight I have seen in centuries. It made my soul smile, yes they have that ability, to see my friends once again.
It saddens me that the adequate words to describe this event have been lost. So I guess you will have to venture into Terra to experience the old spirits for yourself. I, Guardian of the Veil, shall be waiting if you ever decide to take that journey. Farewell until then, Traveler.
short story