.:: calling on your name ::.

Nov 13, 2008 15:48

I have to say...thank you Lord!!!!! It's so true that He works through His people and through certain situations.

Last night when I went with my mom and Cricket to Womens Care Group at Praises house, during the 'discussion time' after a message on mothering, I brought up troubles I was dealing with in my relationship with Mikayla. I confessed to having been struggling with strife and anger towards her that whole day, where nearly every little thing she did made me aggravated to the point I wanted to yell in her face. They gave me great, Godly council on it, and I took things home from the discussion in general.

Today I struggled again with Mikayla. I have to say, though, not as much as I thought I would. There were many things that would have normally set me off (atleast INTERNALLY lol) but I didn't freak out about. One of the things that really hit me last night was what Kimberly brought up - dwelling on our bad thoughts. God says to set our minds on things above, right? So why is it so hard for us as christians?
Simply because we love to feed our flesh with delisciously sinful things.
We really enjoy it at the time, but...
...completely regret it later.

I've found it so hard to hold my tongue when speaking while I'm angry, with Mikayla especially. God really gave me someone who will be like sand paper in my life; and hopefully, if I try to, I'll grow from it.


So tonight is Humanities class. I can't believe it's already Thursday night...the 13th of NOVEMBER.
I mean, it's not just ME that sees how quickly time is progressing, right?! It's already been over 4 months since my BIRTHDAY. That's crazy to me. Christmas is almost here, as well!!!!! Christmas! Ah, I can't wait for Christmas...it's my favorite time of year...despite my living in FLORIDA, where it doesn't snow, I've never experienced anything else so I wouldn't really..know...what a 'white christmas' is like.
This time of year is always so...special, no matter what happens. Theres just this 'feeling' that spreads through the air...ah! I almost wanna cry happy tears that its almost here! The lights, the weather, the people, the colors, the smell of baked goods, the cards, the remembering of Jesus...everything!


Eh, if you can pray for me...mom is working on it now...but I need to get to the eye doctor. For about two months now my eyes just suddenly....started getting worse...obviously worse.
Also I think my allergies are acting up today, orz. ;;
Off to class, byebyes.

~You will find, that I'm everywhere you go, and I'm all the places you wanna be~

florida lol, allergies, christmas omg!, thanking god, womens care group, praise, special special times!, november omg, eyes! ahh!

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