May 12, 2010 20:33
You know what's not really such a good idea? Watching an action movie filled with explosions during a thunderstorm. But on the other hand, I have free surround sound at the moment! (Seriously, one crack of thunder was so well timed I jumped.)
Also, auuugh this storm. It's not supposed to develop into anything super nasty (and by that I mean I'm tornado free) but it's raining so hard I can't see the capitol building (which is pretty much always visible), the roof of the building next door (which I can see out my window) is almost one massive puddle I'm tempted to go swimming but it's so so so cold right now , the gutters on the buildings across the street can't take the sheer amount of water falling in them and are spilling everywhere, and I can barely hear anything over the sounds of hail.
I'm also currently being mauled by plot bunnies. Iron Man plot bunnies. And they're vicious. And mean. And they refuse to let me have any moment's peace! They just keep gnawing and nibbling and scratching and putting words in my head.
Send help.
[weather] storms,