Linkspam and Television Flailings

Mar 09, 2010 19:47

....Jeez, it really does seem like all I care about right now is adaptations. :/ I swear to God this isn't true; I just don't hear as much about other movies at the moment.

Dane Cook and Jonas Brother Trying Out for Captain America

*cue silent, agonized screaming* AUGH GOD WHY. NO. JUST NO. NO DANE COOK. NO JONAS BROTHERS.

Dammit I'm so tempted to make Awesome for America badges, because I really want Ryan McPartlin to get the part. CAPTAIN AWESOME FOR CAPTAIN AMERICA.



Liev Schreiber wants to be in Wolverine 2

YES PLEASE. Do so totally want. Mr. Schreiber was amazing as Sabertooth in Wolverine: Origins and I would be very sad if he doesn't get so much as a mention in Wolverine 2.

Green Lantern Costume Quite Snug, According to Ryan Reynolds

Tee hee! &hearts

Ryan Reynolds, you are awesome. I hope you are really as cool as you seem in interviews, because I would be crushed if you weren't.

Ohhhh I am so hopeful this movie turns out well. So, so hopeful.

TV Flailings:


Such a good episode. It's about damn time someone other than Awesome knew that Chuck is a spy. I just kinda wish it had been both Ellie and Morgan, because that would have been perfect. I suppose it's only a matter of time before Ellie finds out, though...unless Awesome's idea that they join Doctors Without Borders and head to Africa effectively writes them out of the show. Which I would prefer not happen, because I love the pair of them and think they add another facet to the show.

Shaw is an asshat and a liability. If he doesn't turn against the team, leave because he's a liability, or die soon, I'm going to scream. His relationship with Sarah seems so hackneyed and annoying and thrown in. And it's basically like he's there to be a foil to Chuck. I don't like him.

Also, what is up with Sarah saying her real name is Sam? I hope that's a plotline that gets dealt with soon, because otherwise it's just a big gaping plot hole and I don't think this show needs one of those. (Personally, I hope she was lying to Shaw because the government is worried he might be a mole or something. I don't trust him, and I don't like that these characters do.)


Such a goooood episode last night. I loved watching Ryan and Esposito interact, they had some A++ stuff going on here. Castle and Beckett were on fire, too, interaction-wise. I dunno if it's just my deprivation (it has been a few weeks since the show was on the air) or if there was just something about this episode, but I want more and I want it now.

I was so glad, too, when Alexis decided not to join cheerleading. XD I love her being like I was in high school - brainy, cautious, intelligent - because I really don't think that demographic gets played with enough on TV. Not ever teenager is a drama queen/king, after all, and not all teenagers drink/smoke/do drugs underage. I know it's a nice, easy way to throw drama into a show, but man is it annoying.

[movies] green lantern, !television, [tv] chuck, !movies, [tv] castle, [movies] captain america, [movies] x-men

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