Don't mind me, I'm just trying to keep track of what is going on in my school email account at the moment and finding a website redesign that is horrendous and an embarrassment to my design student self.
After all, website are SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION.
Dear Microsoft Outlook:
Thank you for considering me for your beta program. No, really, it's an honor. I appreciate being able to assist you in making a better, faster, sleeker mail program for me to use for my school email account.
However, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING WITH THIS NEW DESIGN. I do not need my emails to default to size eighteen (or somewhere damn close), for starters, and what the sweet hell did you do to my logout button?! THAT IS NOT MY ONLY EMAIL ACCOUNT. I DO NOT WISH TO BE STUCK IN IT FOREVER UNLESS I QUIT OUT OF ALL OF MY PROGRAMS. Also, WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL OF MY ICONS. And why the hell do you not highlight my selected emails? I really don't want to go through and delete them one. At. A. Time.
I am really hoping that those things are just temporary, as a part of the redesign. If they are not, I may (to quote an older Christian Bale flub), "fucking done professionally" with the whole damn account.
Hrrrrrrrrrgh this is not what I wanted from them at all. I hated the last redesign and right now I hate this one even more (which I honestly didn't think was possibly THANKS UNIVERSE FOR PROVING ME WRONG AGAIN).