I'm definitely going to apply for that internship. I realized as soon as I made that post that I've got nothing to lose by trying and so much to gain. So I'm crossing my fingers, getting my resume written up, and I'm planning on having everything sent in no later than the 14th, the day before the final due date.
In other news, been feeling very...bleh for the past two weeks. I dunno if it's hormones or the weather or home-stress threatening to bubble over (or a combination of all three), but I'm already ready to throw my computer and all my school work at the wall, skip class, and just do whatever I want every day of the week. I'm restless and antsy and that's not good. I'd hoped that the long weekend would have helped me reset things a little, but I think that might have been overly optimistic on my part.
Going home tomorrow after class, got a doctor's appointment in the morning. Not gonna lie, I'm praying I don't have to get another round of thirteen shots (to my foot) this time. I'm not thinking I'll be spared any shots at all, though. D:
Otherwise, just got a small linkspam for you:
Studies show Internet improving writing in teens, not leading to its utter doom I thought this article was one of the more interesting ones I've come across in a few weeks. Apparently (or at least according to this particular study), the Internet is actually helping improve writing skills, not killing them off. Because of the Internet, kids are learning how to write for an audience, and they're learning that the only way to get heard in the open forum that is the Internet is to be articulate about it, because people don't take the chat-speak riddled comments half as seriously.
I can definitely believe that. I know my writing has become a lot more conversational over the years, and I do blame the internet for a lot of that. But at the same time, I also grew up writing for the audience of one (my teacher, for the sake of my grade) so I can slip back and forth between one and the other.
Resident Evil (the movie series) gets a prequel? OH GOD MAKE IT STOP. MAKE IT FSKING STOP. *rollrollroll*
Avatar Concept Designer Discusses the N'avi - and Reveals Some Secrets ...I hate to keep spamming everyone with updates on this movie, but I have a personal soft spot for concept art and character/design development and I just had to share. XD;;
Annnddd why not, I'll help spread around the link, too. Ganked this from
neldluva's journal (though it is a link to another journal):
Leaving Good Comments on Fics: Meta I'll admit - I'm terrible at commenting on fic. I really am. Half the time I bookmark it with the full intention of coming back and reading it/commenting later, but even if I do get back to read it I can't always think of anything to say that hasn't already been said. And even if I do comment, I often don't say everything I want to say, because I don't want to be the one poster among however many who might've had one tiny niggling thing she'd like to see fixed. Concrit is my lifeblood, but I have a hard time practicing what I preach, and I hate it.
Also, because this is awesome:
Playing the Doctor Who Theme with Tesla Coils: Real Mad Science. I'm not even that into Doctor Who (yet?) and HOLY CRAP THIS IS AWESOME. Tesla, you are my hero. This is why I named my phone after you.
Gonna try and get the first sketch-a-day dump up over the weekend-ish, but it'll depend on what they do to my foot on Friday and whether or not I'm stuck at home or make it back here.