Well. The whole "we're in for it" didn't happen. We did get snow and ice, but not a ton of either and certainly not enough to cancel classes. :/
So I went to work and class, did homework, slipped on ice a few times and windmilled wildly each time, and then suddenly found myself with some sort of a social life (A) who knew?! and B) sometimes I really wish my brain had an off switch, because right now it is in full FHDISFDSFDSFJSFJDS;FJIDS; mode and I don't know what do to) -- which is a long, roundabout way of saying the reply-posts are late and I'm sorry.
Here's one, though. :D
merrytook92 asked me a series of questions, all under the cut.
-Favorite Disney & Pixar movie
Disney movie is Tangled, with 101 Dalmatians and The Lion King as runners-up. Tangled is the first Disney film in a while that's really reminded me that I would love to be a part of that family, making those films and influencing another generation. Rapunzel is the first Disney Princess I've ever really admired and wanted to be like.
Pixar is probably Finding Nemo. I'm not sure I can articulate why, really. Part of it is the special care the animators took to recreate the Great Barrier Reef and oceanic environments - which I've seen in real life - part of it is the story of a son who needed a chance to be independent and the father who was terrified of losing him, and most of it is Dory.
-Favorite Disney song
Either "Be Prepared" from The Lion King or "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas. The first is really, very fun to sing - though the number itself features highly unsettling imagery, there is something interesting about watching Scar prance around like that. The second I just find highly inspirational, though I really don't like Pocahontas (the film) otherwise. :/
-Favorite Superhero
HMMMMMM. Probably Batman, if I really had to pick. He's one of the few "superheroes" that's actually mostly human - no magical, alien, or mutant powers for him. He's borderline (very, very borderline) plausible.
-Your opinion of all the damn DC movies coming out. New Superman? The Flash in 2013? Reboot Spiderman? Green Lantern? Batman 3? Conspiracy for sure...
To be fair, not all of those are DC films. Spiderman is Marvel. :D The others are DC -- and really I just think now is the heyday for them. It's a trend more than a conspiracy. Jon Favreau and Christopher Nolan have both proven superhero films CAN be more than moderately successful in the box office, attract more than a geek audience when given half the chance to, and can be fun to make and more fun to watch.
Some certainly pique my interest more than others, though. I'm much more keen on Green Lantern and the Dark Knight Rises than Spiderman's reboot and Superman (Superman being my LEAST favorite of all superheroes)
-Tron: Legacy. Jem's white suit, or Quorra's black and white?
Quorra's black and white, easy. Black shows off the colors better than white. :D
-Stoicism or Epicureanism? Why?
That is a good question. Probably Epicureanism, if only because there is EPIC in that name stoicism and I would probably never work well - my personality seems to embrace destructive emotions too readily, even when I know they're destructive and bad and I need to NOT give into them. :/
-If you could live in any era/century what would it be and why?
I wouldn't change a thing. We're standing on the edge of a million different discoveries right now. Humanity is plowing forward and we are making the future and history in a big way every single day. I love being here and being a part of it.
-What do you want to see in STXII???? Besides Pike being a total stud. hehe
Something that wasn't in the original series. Thankfully, Kurtzman and Orci and Abrams all seem to agree that the AU status of this series means they shouldn't start rehashing everything that appeared in the old films (sorry, Khan), so I might really get this wish.
Also, maybe a little more hard science? Like, I'm not in need of a ton of it, but something a little more plausible than black holes that cannot possibly be real black holes because A) bloody destructive things, black holes, and B) Spock, you do realize sucking a supernova into a black hole is only a temporary fix, because after that star goes away you still have a black hole that will eventually eat Romulus?
...A little fewer McGuffins would be nice, too. And fewer moments with the Idiot Ball for ALL of the characters. ALSO MORE UHURA.
And longer skirts.
-How do you like your coffee?
I don't drink coffee. FOR SHAME, I KNOW, but I can't do it. The smell makes me start sneezing.
-Put yourself in a Hogwarts house. Which one and why?
Hufflepuff, easy. Not a house I think I'd love, but it's the house I'd fit in best with. Trustworthy, loyal, and as non-judgmental as I can possibly be....Yeah, that's me.
I'd never cut it as a Gryffindor; I'm not really brave enough. Not a Slytherin, either - there's no cunning in my body to speak of. And I'm just a little too academically inept to be a Ravenclaw. (I'm smart, sure, but I'm not Ravenclaw smart.)
Whew! One down. :D