So I realized that my last intro post is a little out of date, so let it go and decided to pull together a new one. This time you get bullet points!
- My name is Erin. I am a 23 year old art major about to enter my final semester as an undergrad. I am learning graphic design, but my interest has always been in conceptual art and animation. I'd love, love, LOVE to work for Disney. I attend school in a red state and my school's football team plays a bit of a role in a popular television sitcom about nerds. Said show's title is taken from a theory about the birth of the universe.
- I am a geek. I love reading and writing and science and art and movies and television and comics in equal amounts. I thrive on fandom and adore all of the people I have met through it over the years. I am sadly finicky about the fandoms I write for. Everything has to fall just right in my brain for it to work. I also have to feel like I can handle the characters with some degree of success, which, given my highly anal-retentive, detail-obsessed nature, doesn’t happen too often. Fic request psots are, as a result, infinitely less likely to happen than art request posts.
- I was born and raised in the US Army. I've lived on and off military bases all of my life, have been to almost a dozen different schools, lived in a half-dozen different states and one different country, and come equipped with a patriotic rage button (meaning that if you have no kind words at all for the men and women in our armed forces or for the United States, then you and I are not likely to get along at all), difficulties in solving interpersonal problems in real life, and a twisted, transient definition of the word "home" as a result.
- I swing liberal. Very liberal. Much more liberally than anyone I've ever met has guessed. But I don't talk politics - especially not on this LJ - very often, so I'm frequently mistaken for a conservative. I've been getting a little more vocal about my thoughts on political subjects, however, and those opinions might start trickling into this blog. I will try not to let that happen, though, not because I don't care about my views but because I view this blog as a fun, safe space for all of its visitors. If things start to get ugly, I reserve the right to take action and kick people out.
- My parents very recently got divorced. Within the last two months kind of recently. I have a lot of not-so nice things associated with this, I'm afraid, having been very close to my family over the years (see: history as an Army Brat). Most of the time I can handle them. Sometimes I cannot. Maybe someday I'll make a post giving the basics of how things unfolded, as the dissolution of my parents' marriage has been going on since I started college. But as of right now, that would be an incredibly triggering post and I would really like to at least enter the new year in better spirits than I have had for the past few months.
This is basically me. :D Except for one last thing (that gets kinda wordy):
- Despite what some might think based on my art, I am not a furry. I have never identified as a furry and likely never will (especially as I have an terrible phobia of full-bodied costumes). I have friends involved with that fandom and love and respect them, but it's not how I identify. I've no desire to fursuit or attend cons. I just like to draw animals.
HOWEVER, and this is where things start to get a little dicey, I do periodically refer to one specific character,
Flight, as my "fursona". And she is...insofar that I use her to represent me at times. I've never viewed it in the "she is me and I am her"/"she represents my 'true self'" or anything like that. Flight is, in my head, my mascot. She is what Mickey Mouse is for Disney. She is, in many ways, the "face" of (currently non-existent) company. When I am gone, I hope she lives on. I'm okay with people associating her with me - hell, if they see her and think of me, that's good! It means we're identifiable together. She might even be able to reach further than me. But I don't refer to her as "me". I sometimes let people call me by her name, but it's not what I would choose for myself.
...I hope that makes sense. Words, man, how do I get them to convey what I mean?!