Oct 07, 2010 22:44
Quickie post because I really ought to be in bed right now -
But first! Thanks so much for all of your comments on my last entry. I can't even begin to describe how much joy each of your comments filled me with, nor how ecstatic it makes me to know that I have such amazing LJ friends. I'll be getting to EVERYONE'S comments tomorrow (including the two PMs that I got), but in the meantime, know that you guys make my day every day. &hearts &hearts
Second! The reason for this post. I am going to be buying myself a Starfleet Uniform for Halloween this year (because DAMMIT I WANT ONE) but I don't know which color to choose.
SO! F'list, I implore you: Do you see me as a gold shirt (command and helm), a blue shirt (medical and sciences), or a red shirt (security and operations)?
Regardless of color, I HAVE ALSO DECIDED TO MAKE MYSELF A TRIBBLE. Mine, sadly, will not coo, but it will be cheap and awesome and best of all IT IS STERILE.
ilu guys,
anwe's obsessions