#013: Hectic week is hectic.

Jan 03, 2011 21:47

Hey guys.

Finally had the time to update my livejournal (sighs). The last week had been so rushed and hectic that I can't believe I survived it. I was hard at work from Monday til Wednesday and then from Friday till Sunday. Even Thursday wasnt much of an off day! I went to Huijie's house to party with the cello family! Work from Monday till Wednesday and Friday were fine, as there are 2 part timers, one to tie up the stocks and another to hang the clothes outside. But on Saturday and Sunday, I AM THE ONLY PART-TIMER WTF. Worked like crazy. Had backaches and sore fingers! Argh! I kind of bargained for an off day today -guilty- , but work tomorrow will be a must! Unless there's a miracle... But Thursday was AWESOME. I miss my cello family <3 They are absolutely amazing. Love them.

Quite mad at the Juslena (Justin and Selena) affair. I mean, Selena is getting all the hate from the beliebers for being with Justin, like wtf, and telling her that she's a ho or she better not cheat on him otherwise she will face the wrath of millions of fangirls. Why hadnt any of these fangirls thought of Justin cheating on Selena instead of the other way round. What if Justin's the one 'harassing' her to be together? Oh right, they are mostly 12-13 year old girlies with a mindset that has yet to matured. Oh my gawd, are they seriously hoping to be with him in the future?! Wtf GROW UP PLEASE. I honestly cannot understand why would they fall for each other; Justin looks like a 13 year old boy reaching puberty to me. IDGT. But then love is blind. -sighs internally- I sincerely hope this is all PR.

Twitter is a maddening place for me at the moment, what with the Juslena drama.

selena gomez, rant, job

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