So for the past two days I had my SDE FOC pre-camp, and I'm feeling pretty worn out that I'm kinda knocked out before 11pm oh gosh... #rlygettingoldaha Hope the actual camp will be fun!! There's still another pre-camp to go through, so all the best to me / I hope I'll survive this upcoming pre-camp cause it's gonna be an overnight thing/not day camp unlike SDE pre-camp T.T
But at least today was productive in the sense that I watched two great classic Disney movies teehee *\/* I don't know if it's just me but I'll often become an ardent supporter for the villain of movies HAHA. Especially when the villains have such sassy lines heh. Okay so first off my to-watch list is... The Lion King!! Given my love/fascination with lions it's not difficult to guess why right...? I can't believe I had never watch it nor read it before either. The movie was produced in 1994 but I'm pretty impressed with the animation, and that it's able to strike fear and sadness within me. Okay time to talk about my favourite character in this movie hehehe >:)
Scar is the main villain in TLK, with 3 main hyenas as his sidekicks. Omg his 'Be Prepared' song was so awesome it's easily my favourite song in the entire movie HAHAHA. He had some pretty classic lines too:
AND: "When it comes to brute strength…I’m afraid I’m at the shallow end of the gene pool." While googling, I found out that Loki said the exact line to Thor omg coooooooooool #scartheoriginator (Y)
Next would be Hercules!! Unlike TLK, I actually read Hercules before, in a book meant for kids, i.e. picture books with minimal words and that was many years ago, so all I could recall are Hades, Meg and Hercules. (IN WHICH HADES IS MY FAV OF COURSE) Hades is tooooooooooooo sassy for words omg gif spam coming up hehe. The movie also portrayed the muses (main narrator of the movie) which wasn't in the book if I recalled accurately. I was actually a teeny bit annoyed by Hercules (partly cause he's against Hades LOL but also cause he's kinda arrogant and all) but I quite like Megara cause she's unlike Snow White, Cinderella, not like the princessy kind of female lead, and I can say that she's more independent.
^^^ My favourite line from Meg, preach it gurlll
Let's talk about Hades now omg he's too comical HAHAHA. It's wasn't intended for Hades to be THIS sassy/comical/funny. Its after the (long) casting of Hades did they rewrote him as a comic-relief villain. Here's a few spam of classic lines by Hadeyyy (L)
And that's all to my (poorly-attempted) movie reviews aha. I'll be catching up on more movies, probably more classic Disney movies because I realised I've only read most classic Disney stories rather than watch.
Till next time!!