It's 3am ++ and I'm still up studying for finals ahahaha. People are right in saying that in Singapore universities, each semester is akin to another round of 'A' levels. As if I need any more of that tsk.
Anyway, as Sem 1 comes to an end, I'm still pretty glad to have joined funk. Although I experienced certain regret/reluctance after few weeks of lessons due to cheer aha, the freshies' showcase rly changed my perspective. I do admit that my ponning of several lessons had indeed deprived me of gaining more experience but I'm still rly grateful that my groupmates are accommodating towards me and for believing in me. Fyi, we are only grouped just a week before the showcase, so to even put up a decent performance is not easy. In total, my group met up 2-3 times in total, the last being the actual day itself hahaha. Anw... After much consideration, I decided to join CAC+US, a performance together with NUS CAC in February HAHAHA. Idk if I can be up to the standards of many dancers in funk but I'll try. Hopefully I'll improve a lot by the end of 3 months, and that the experience I will get is a defining one. :')
Funk group 'Power Rangers' + the raggers :D
If you're wondering why I'm still blogging even when I'm staying up to study (which obviously implied I'm lagging behind lololol), it's bc I feel that blogging is my way of reliving stress aha. At least it's not as tedious, imo, as soccer or running hahaha and I can just sit here and type away woohoo. Anw, despite 'wasting' my time away at two movies this week, I'm still glad to have caught them cause they're awesomeee (Y) Ok first and foremost, Escape Plan!! Hehe, watched it w le RE girls after concluding our last proj of the sem LOL. It's pretty spontaneous cause we were like discussing our plans after finals, then someone suggested a movie (I think), then I said why not tonight (Wed night) LOL and they agreed (except Jia En who had sth on alrdy sigh busy girl) omg damn on I like HAHA. The movie was pretty good tho I was covering my eyes during the gory parts aha I completely forgotten that this movie was NC16 (actually I kind of wondered why for like 3 seconds). First time at Jcube and Gilda, Huihui and I were saying how the air is different than from the east side hahaha + being suakus LOL. It was a really chilled and fun night out with them, lots of HTHTs and first impressions and astrology nonsense hehe so glad to be spending the next 4 years with them :')
And erm ya did abit of shopping hahaha ok no more shopping till finals are over :(
Ok then for today/ytd, caught Thor with Edenuis. Thanks for making me wait for like 20 minutes uh, but luckily I'm preoccupied with revision tsk. Anw Thor 2 was awesome omg Loki was hilarious esp the Captain America part ahahaha I wasn't expecting that at all goodness. Charmaine was right in saying that Loki had the funniest lines in the movie, ok actually she made me wna watch it LOL. I wasn't intending to watch it at all cause ahem, my fav Avenger character is IRON MAN, and I don't rly get Thor bc British accents~ Don't get me wrong, I love british accents, coughs benedict cumberbatch, ed westwick, cast of HP coughs, but sometimes they're not that easy to understand hahaha. But then this Charmaine Tay was going on about how epic the movie is and that I need to watch it and how awesome Loki is and also wanting to spoil tsk haha thus I kind of got interested in it. BUT LOKI IS AWESOME OMG. And I honestly thought they're gna change the female lead at first (I'm like NO in my mind) bc sequel movies are prone to that. Maybe that's why I'm particularly fond of Iron Man, bc the female lead character has always been Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow) for 3 movies (and she survived the last one omg :'))
Anw, I know you'll be reading so... HI STALKER HAHAHA
I'm gna die later with a terrible headache bc I'm still not sleeping sigh oh well, stupid finals
I'll just end off with my fav scene from Thor, which I alrdy mentioned: