Title: Higher Learning
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Scotty/girl!Chekov in this part
Summary: Getting ready for the Halloween Ball. Polina has a Surprise. The beginnings of a response to
this prompt on the Kink Meme.
Dislcaimer: I own nothing
Notes: So, it’s a major AU set in the present at Columbia University, where all of the characters are grad students/Ph.D. candidates/etc. I futzed with ages a little bit so that everyone’s a bit closer together. I promise that eventually I’ll post a list of character ages and their roles in this AU. For right now, just know that Scotty is 28 and Polina is 22.
I originally meant for this to just be porn, but then little bits of plot wormed their way in, and now I have an AU that’s never going to leave me alone. I have done more research than I ever intended on the traditional Playboy Bunny costume and activities, yet I still can’t quite figure out what to call the strapless corset-leotard-thing, so just roll with me, please.
I don’t feel comfortable writing out either of their accents, nor am I familiar enough with Scottish slang to throw much of it in. In my mind, they’ve both learned to tone down their accents during their years in the US to be understood.
I'll have the second part up in a little bit, and I'm currently working on the third and fourth parts. I hope that you enjoy!
For the umpteenth time that evening, Scotty cursed himself for insisting that they keep their costumes secret from each other. While sure, he wanted to surprise Polina with his utterly creative brilliance, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait in the living room without barreling down the hall, throwing open the door to the bedroom, and seeing what had been occupying her for the past-he checked his watch-hour and a half.
Polina rarely took this long to get ready-she lived most days in jeans and t-shirts, wearing little makeup and keeping her curly hair long simply because she hadn’t bothered to get it cut in several years. Besides, the bun she twisted it up into was a convenient place to store pencils as she worked toward her Masters in Applied Mathematics.
Tonight, however, was the University’s annual Halloween Ball, and everyone always went all-out-faculty, staff, and students of all levels. Scotty, had made the logical jump from Ph.D. candidate in aerospace engineering and dressed as a steampunk aeronaut, complete with goggles, cap, and a ray gun he’d bribed Gaila in robotics to rig up for him with a laser.
He pulled the creation from the holster at his side and pointed it at the wall, watching the small dot and grinning at the futuristic sounds Gaila had oh-so-thoughtfully added when he “fired” the thing. The light on the wall attracted their cat, Keenser, who leaped at the point frantically. Scotty was soon fully occupied with torturing the confused animal.
“Finally ready, Polina? I’ve been waiting for an hour, what took you so… oh. Oh wow.”
As he turned around, the sight took his breath away. Sure, he’d known that Polina had a killer body from years of ballet and track under the infuriatingly functional clothing she wore most of the time, but he had never seen her flaunting her curves like this. Hell, she was practically naked!
Polina self-consciously touched at her hair, which she had left loose to fall in soft curls to the middle of her back. Her costume-a barely-there black corset-clung to her like a second skin, and her legs seemed to go on for miles in stockings and black heels so high it was a wonder she hadn’t broken an ankle yet.
Not to mention the traditional accessories: choker collar with bowtie, wrist cuffs, and bunny ears.
“I look stupid, I have another costume upstairs in case you didn’t like this one… it’s Kaylee, we’ll match…” she murmured, eyes on the floor, and then she turned away and starts toward the bedroom.
He caught her arm and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her to steady her when she lost her balance. “You look… there are no fucking words, ‘Lina,” he murmured. “You stepped right out of a goddamn fantasy I didn’t even know I had.”
She blushed.
“I started looking for something else, but I saw this and I tried it all on and I liked the way I looked it,” she explained. “I am glad you like it, too. Even if I do not look like myself.”
“It’s Halloween-that’s the entire fucking point. Now let’s get going so I can make all of the other guys at the ball jealous.”
“Almost all of the guys, and many of the girls, too,” Polina corrected.
“Right, right. Let’s get out of here,” Scotty replied.
Polina took a few steps toward the door before letting out a sharp “oh!” and scurrying to the kitchen as quickly as she could, the puffy tail on the back of her costume bouncing as she went. “Sorry, sorry, I forgot something. Get me my black coat, love?” she called.
Scotty obliged, rifling through the hall closet and pulling out Polina’s long black wool coat. As he closed the door, he saw her slip on the final, somewhat unorthodox accessory-a garter, complete with a small flask.
“A bunny after my own heart, darlin’,” he joked, handing over her coat.
“Oh, stop that. And do not ask for any sips, I know you have four times as much somewhere on your costume,” she retorted.
“Aye, but what if I want vodka and all I’ve got on me is scotch?”
“You also have at least one flask of vodka there for me, because I am brilliant and you love me even when I am dressed like a rabbit. Who decided that rabbits were sexy, anyway? Cats are sexy-Playboy Kittens would have been made so much more sense than Bunnies,” Polina mused as Scotty ushered her out the door, onto the bus, and to the Ball.