May 25, 2006 09:46
Okay, I'm having a 17th birthday party next Friday, June 2, 2006. But this isn't your ordinary birthday party. It's going to be a SWING PARTY!!!!
Girls, wear swing dresses and guys, just wear something swing-esque. Of course, you don't HAVE to dress up, but that'd be the fun thing to do, of course. I'm going to shop for swing music today, and my brother is going to get the speakers set up and all that good stuff. We'll have a dance floor inside the house and outside the house.
As with any other party at my house, there will be plenty of food. So come prepared to dance--whether you think you can or not!
What: Swing Dance Party for my 17th Birthday
Who: anyone and everyone who wants to come
When: Friday, June 2, 2006, from 7:00-11:00 (ish)
Where: My house (call my cell for directions)
What to wear: Swing dresses (girls)/slacks and white shirt (guys), or whatever you want
RSVP: my cell (305-0242) or comment
So please come--everyone is welcome, regardless of whether or not you want to participate in the swing activities (haha).
I've been informed that a good number of guys are going to be gone to boys state next Friday. Additionally, I've got a wedding to go to Friday; that presents further complication. THEREFORE, we are going to change the date of the party to some point after June 2. I am not going to re-set the date, though, until everyone lets me know what dates would work for them. With it being summer, I know it's hard to get everyone together at once; but I'm going to try my best. So.....everyone comment and let me know when you'll be in town. :) Thanks!