Aug 16, 2004 18:42
Ok so its like not even half way thought the night and its been crazy
Jax just left. She came over round like i dont remember. Yeah special right? no so anyway she came over to tell me that Code Seven and Juanted (however they spell it, ps their formaly Dazed nights my old crew) are invited to Bryers (not like most of you know what this is) but its this great opp for them and i dont remember wehre their said it was but its like these awesome groups from all over come and dance off! the real thing has a cooler name but bryers is like some landmakr near their? i dunno it's been around longer than me...i'll just agree.
so anyway the afternoon was crazy. My dad was gone to like pick up some books for rick? so we rocked out to some song she brough on the living room stero (hella nice) i helped her narrow down the song selection and we did like half the choreography for one song! it was crazy how easy it came but then agian im under severe dance deprevation (will be resolved wendesday!!)
So here are some highlights:
(jax) A dress should be like a chain link fence. Serving its purpose without obstructing the view.
(jax) is your washer machine supposed to make that noise?
(me) how should IIIII know?
(jax) well your the one doing laundry!!
(me) Sooo? do you think i should twist the lil knobby thingy?
(jax) honey, its been doing laundry a lot longer than you, just let it do its thing.
(jax) in the words of the revered Rachel "those aren't curves honey, their ribs"
(jax) Cheerleading huh? like rah rah *kicks leg in air, subsequintly kicking 20 lb bookbag*
(jax) liquid eyeliner? that like white out in reverse eh?
(jax) what do you think he means by "make it vibrate?"
(jax) it sounds like he's a mouse on speed 3!
(me) everyone sounds like a mouse on speed 3
(jax) nuh uh
(me) yeah huh look *switches to next song (an ashlee simpson song) Told ya!
(jax) *turns it back to normal speed* mmmhmm sounds like a mouse on speed one too.
(jax) does anything REALLY match that shade of purple?
haha omgsh it was so crazy i have a headache. Yeah so the purple thing isnt acutaly about my pjs. it is about this god awful outfit she was looking at (but i talked her out of)
Nouf of that i have homework to finally do.