If you have a fucking problem with me then you fucking tell me now. "K" and silence are not going to cut it here. Did I not tell you what was wrong when I had problems with you? Yea, I did. And were we not "fine" with eachother afterwards? Yea, we were. What the fuck.
In other news I have almost entiterly given myself to Myspace I'm ashamed to say...But updating LJ about my life and what bothers me isn't having a point anymore. Everyone on here doesn't know me like they did. The ones that do, know me in life, not through the computer. And I can't even mention half the things I would like on here due to some people's sensitivity to changes.
School sucks. I hate math. Communications is stupid. I want to be a teacher. Work sucks. I'm over worked and underpaid. I want to make more money without working as much so I can go to school more. I don't want to be in school for 10 years just to get a Bachelor's Degree.
And I think I'm going to post some pics for those that don't have a Myspace and would like to veiw my Halloween and other things. Yay for boredom.
Me and my number one slut.
I swear we weren't hammered!
Me and my Sexy Cristina...
If I were a lesbian she would be my girlfriend!! Haha.
Me and my girls on Halloween...
Sexy Danny, Hottie Oscar the Playa Playa and Me on Halloween!
What cha gonna do with all the junk inside yo trunk?
Me in between the sexiest twins on the planet...Lol.
I'm young, I'm rich, I'm black, I'm ghetto than the mother fuckin' project steps! Right after we got high and robbed the bank, right Tam? Love ya!