Aug 30, 2011 19:48
[After constantly typing over and over frantically, trying to get that beautiful blue to show up on his font, he FINALLY figures it out, and these huge fancy sleeves with frills in them are NOT HELPING, besides the fact that this ...coat... has so much red on it he wants to VOMIT, but that would be even more disgusting, even if the tinge of blue to his bile would most likely make this red atrocity a tad more bearable.]
D --> I demand some means of e%plaination immediately
D --> Why am I here and where e%actly is this e%tremely confusing location
D --> I have something important I must be doing
D --> Even if the order was from a source I would rather not disclose to the public due to how improper it is for someone of my caste to oblige to the li% of them
D --> E%cuse me, I have gotten off trot
D --> I mean track, I apologize once again, I am just very uncomfortable in this new attire I have found myself in and hoof begun to work up a minor sweat
D --> But if you will, anyone, e%plain this to me now
D --> Also, is there any way for me to change the appearance of this communication device
D --> This contraption 100ks ridic001ous…
+prussia (gilbert beilschmidt),
equius zahhak,
+hamuko arisato,
+terezi pyrope,
+nepeta leijon