Allo, tout le monde~!
[Francis beams to everyone paying attention on their compacts. He seems to be standing against the wall of his room, if the dungeon motif behind him is any indication. And he also seems to be wearing not only modern-day clothing, but colorful clothing, not something which would be allowed by the town's tailor for such a dark
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Oui, whenever you would like to come over. You are only next door.
Hey, Fraaaance!
Alrighty then! Hey, how much do I gotta take off, France? Probably just my shirt, right? I don't mind if you make it a little bigger than the real deal cuz I wear it over a couple of layers, but if it's too tight, that won't fly, bro.
And that will not be a problem, I will simply add a little extra if you want it to be baggier. Or you can simply trust me to get it perfect the first time. [He knows that's asking a lot out of you, America, but. :| Might as well ask.]
First, I am going to take your bust measurement. [He digs around a moment for his tape measure, and then brings it over to America, dropping the rest on the floor for now. It just trails behind him as he slips his arms under America's, wrapping the tape measure around the largest part of Alfred's chest. He nods as he gets a number for sure, then pulls it away.]
Your jacket sits at your hips, non? I do not think I need I need your waist measurement, if that is the case.
Yeah, it just kinda stops below my belt. Uuuh, like about here! [He lowers one arm to tap at his thigh then pulls it back up.] Oops! Didn't mess ya up, did I?
Now for one more... could you curl your arm? I need to measure your bicep. You know, to make sure it is not too tight around those "heroic" muscles of yours. [Yes, he's being sarcastic. But he's pretty sure America's going to read his words for truth regardless.]
Good thinking there, France! I mean, it'd look pretty cool if I flex and my jacket rips like from an action movie, but then I'd have to ask you for a new one every time! Ha ha ha!
It would be a hideous waste of leather. This stuff is expensive, you know! [gdi America :| This is why we don't have nice things.]
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