[ooc: All lines from Byakuran/
aailes are in THIS COLOR. In the comments to this, Shouichi and Byakuran will both be replying to you all, but if you want to speak to one separately, please say so in the subject line of your comment! ]
[ You see Shouichi on the video screen looking less then pleased about more the one thing. First off: he's in a pink dress with a pretty tiara on his head, Second: He's just woken up from a rather long nap, and Third: He woke up to find Byakuran in his bed. ]
Excuse me, I would like to know if I could speak to the person who arranges the roomates for the houses. Not only do I not have absolutely not roommates to speak of, the only one I do have is...this man.
I-I would appreciate it if someone could---
Aaah- Did everyone hear that? Shou-chan thinks I’m a man~! Ah, what a sweet sentiment even though we’ve just met~♪!
[And of course when Byakuran pushes himself into view (dressed a pirate, though lacking the magnificent hat he’d found himself in upon arrival), he is grinning from ear to ear. It’s genuine amusement, but what luck to immediately find his best friend in the whole entire world.
He looks pleased as punch, really. ]
My, my Shou-chan you should definitely stop talking to everyone else so we can catch up~♪.
[ Shouichi looks even more sick to his stomach, pale and honestly freaking out. This guy was the cause of a lot of his stress...]
Urk...Someone should....just come and figure this out.
[ He puts the compact down to go run to the bathroom, leaving it on and in the same room as his “best friend” ]
[ Byakuran picks it up a moment after, though his head is inclined to the direction Shouichi has gone. ]
Ah~. Shou-chan really has a weak stomach. I think he’s really excited to see me~.
[ And then, Byakuran turns his head and grins wider than before. There’s no malice in his expression, but there’s a definite sense of mischief. ]
Bye bye everyone, I hope we can all talk properly soon~.