Summer at TCNJ

May 11, 2006 18:37

Well, looks like it's about time for another one of my biannual updates. It's now the middle of May, the semester is over and the summer has begun. I did really well on my classes, alot better than I expected actually. I had two classes where I thought failing and needing to retake them was an actual possibility, and i turned out getting a B+ and B- in them, faling 0.012 short of a Dean's List worthy GPA. So cool. I always worry that without my dad around to bust my balls about getting good grades, I'm gonna slack off, and it's reassuring to know that's not the case.

I do feel like I worked pretty darn hard this semester actually, with alot of projects and tests and what not, and then doing some work for ACT building as well. I also managed to fit quite a bit of fun in there as well, living with all the other kids in the common rose is really great, despite some drama and friction from time to time. That being said, I think I'd still have more fun spending the summer up in Rockaway seeing Brendan and Ali and all the kids pretty much every night, staying up till 5 in the morning playing games or watching scary or retarded or funny movies. Being a kid in the summer. But I guess I'm getting to the age where it's not about doing what's the most fun, but rather what's best for your career, huh?

I have an internship down here though in a town about a half hour away from Trenton, doing 3D modeling and design work for an electronics company. And despite all my griping, I'm really enjoying it so far, the work never really gets boring, and I just plain like doing the sort of stuff they have me do, designing parts and brackets and shit. It's just a cool thought to me that someone is going to take these ideas I pull out of my head and make actual physical parts of them that go together just as I've planned. Kinda like Legos for big kids. I guess what i'm trying to say is that even if I like doing the work, I don't like this feeling of being an adult; waking up, going to a 9-5 job, coming home and making dinner, going to bed, and then repeat. I felt like this when I worked at CIE, but then it was allllooot worse because the work could be done by a trained monkey. It's easier when you feel valuable at your job. I'm making it sound alot worse than it is, I've only been there a week now, way too soon to judge what the whole summer will be like. I haven't even had a weekend yet!

Anyway, looking back I apparently had plenty I wanted to get off my chest to my LJ. Maybe i'll do this again soon, but probably not. Bye!
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