Jan 02, 2013 21:36
to better myself. It's tough, because the things I am going after are deep seated, long term issues like jealousy and a superiority complex. I come by them honestly, I think, but I don't want them anymore. I want to be more self-positive. As such, I am trying to respond to my personal jealousy issues with inward reflection of the blessings in my life.
In other news - good day at the shop. We sold 8 meals already and I know we will be selling at least one more, if not 2. *happy dance* My new goal is 10 per day, so we are close for the second day this week!!! And 3 of those meals were new customers, which always makes me happy! The January calendar is pretty full - we have something going on just about every day. Today we did inventory for years end and I should now be working on paperwork - but - ugh - paperwork, right? ;)