If you

Apr 05, 2010 11:50

want to talk to me, see me, hang out with me, interact with me - you have to call me or e-mail me.  I have many friends.  I love my many friends.  I also have a family, a home, children, pets, a life.  And I am human.  So I sit in front of my telly and get sucked in for hours, lose track of time, need to run around and get everything else done that needs to be done and I don't think about calling people.  Sorry.  It's not YOU.  It's everyone.  Right everyone?  I try.  I reply to posts, e-mail people, text - that sort of thing.  And if you call me, unless I am knee deep in teaching or I have otehr company, I will happily sit on the phone and chat or set up a meeting time and place.  But if you never invite me over, and you never say - hey - let's go get tea or whatever - and you never call me or e-mail me or write back to me - you can't lay it all at my feet.  We are adults.  If you want to talk to me - call me. 
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