2012 Chronos Awards Eligibility Clarification: Collected Works

Feb 01, 2012 20:16

The Chronos Awards Committee has received an eligibility query regarding collected works.

The current rule for a collected work is:

4.4.1 Collected Work: A collected work is a sf/f/h collection or anthology, magazine or journal, ezine or webzine which must pay contributors in other than contributor copies and incidentals, or the editor/s of which declare the work to be professional. To be eligible the collected work must have been produced in Victoria, or at least one of it’s major editors must have been a citizen of Victoria for the relevant calendar year. At least one edition of a collected work must have been issued in the eligible calendar year.

The query has been made in respect of collections of stories by Victorian authors that were edited and published in another state/territory.

The Committee will accept nominations for these collections.

The intent of the rule was to ensure that editing performed by Victorians could be recognised by the Chronos Awards. There was no intention to disqualify stories by Victorian authors that happen to be edited elsewhere.

To avoid this issue in future the second clause of the rule will be amended as follows:

To be eligible the collected work must have been produced in Victoria, or contain a story by a citizen of Victoria, or at least one of its major editors must have been a citizen of Victoria for the relevant calendar year.

Any queries regarding this clarification may be sent to awards@continuum.org.au.

As noted previously nominations will close on 18 March 2012, and a typographical error in the original post referring to 2010 has been corrected.

chronos awards

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