Mar 15, 2011 12:27
"Socrates, are you ready to turn on the lights?" The Goblin Queen adjusted her skirts nervously.
"Yeth Mam. Will sthe be here thoon?"
"She is on her way now. Where is Punky?" As she turned, a bandy-legged Peke came trotting up with a happy grin on his muzzle. "Your friend is ready to join us. I know you have been waiting for what seems like a very long time, but it really hasn't been that long for her."
He sat and looked expectantly at The Rainbow Bridge entrance into the Goblin Forest. The lights came on and the bridge glowed in all its colors. A small bandit-masked dark grey and white figure appeared on the other side, stopped, looked back for a moment, then turned and waddled over the Bridge. With each paw-step she seemed to grow both younger and spryer.
The Goblin Queen knelt down as the Shi Tsu walked onto Goblin Lands and put a shiny collar around her neck. "Welcome home, Jessie. There are many old friends for you to visit with and new friends to meet."
Punky trotted up and touched noses with her. He was followed by a long-haired grey cat, a mackerel coated cat, a kitten-like cat with coloring and patterning similar to her own. Jessie looked a bit puzzled at the last one until she sniffed the cat.
"Yes, Jessie, that is Dagger. All ailments are healed here, even those that seem to define the character, but it does not affect what they were Over There."
The other denizens - human, animal and 'toon - of The Forest greeted her with skritches and pettin's as the group walked towards Arcadia Village. Jessie looked around, shook herself slightly, and walked proudly with the Goblin Queen into her new home on this side of The Rainbow Bridge.