Another day OFF today.

Feb 05, 2013 10:39

And i'm loving every minute of it. i don't care that i'm losing a day at work--it's an extra day of sanity gained. It's worth it.
I had yesterday off too but i just didn't have it in me to do the laundry & crap that needed to be done so i'm tackling that today.
Yes i still have record setting mountains of the stuff (laundry) & it does get tiresome after awhile but i must confess that i contribute to it as i have a weakness for clothes shopping. Actually, if i'm going to be completely honest, i am a total thrift store junkie. I love it. There's absolutely nohting i NEED but if i see something i like, i want it. And a friend i made i guess a couple summers ago now, introduced me to the Good Will Outlet in london that sells clothes @ $1.00 a pound. O_O My heart is starting to palpitate already. LOL I've gone there 5 times with her now since i met her & we make a day of it, doing lunch & that as well & we always have fun. :-) Its a good time. Then i bring my garbage bags full of *new* stuff home & go thru them & sort them out into wash loads in the LAUNDRY ROOM. LOL See--i'm very much to blame. Good thing i don't mind doing laundry. (Like i said tho-it just gets tiresome. lol) owell...

Got a letter today from my one aunt & uncle in cape breton. I've recently connected with them (again) via facebook thx to their son. :-) It's so nice to wake up to a little blurb in my inbox from my uncle saying "good morning. Have a lovely day & i love you." :-) I TRULY hope to get back there very very very very soon. (did i emphasize that enuf??) lol Also anothing thing on my "to do" list is to buy a couple "thinkkng of you" cards for a all my aunts & uncles & get some photos printed & get them mailed off. I've been menaing to do that now for over a week & keep forgetting. (Thats typical of me tho. I've great intentions it's just that i RETAIN NOTHING! Me memory it TERRIBLE!)

Lets see, this will be quick as i can't help but feel pressured for time. always do. i hate that feeling but can't shake it. (likely contributes to me forgetting alotta stuff. lol) Samantha will eb comign home around 1:pm for the day as she has both a dentist follow-up app. this afternoon as well as a dr's app to remove soem stitches. Neither should take very long but i said she can stay home the rest of the day afterwards.

It was on Samantha's birthday last month (jan.6) (WHEN SHE TURNED 13!! OMG) that i noticed this *thing* on her neck. i assumed it must have developed FAST as i'd never noticed it before then. It resembled a mole, if a mole went *funny*. & by that i eman-swelling & turning red EXCEPT she'd not had a mole there prior. Not even a freckle. The dr said it was a "hema-mangioma" (spelling-?) Which is a tangle of blood vessels. it can developoe very fast & won't go away on its own. So she had to have it frozen (numbed) & removed @ the hospital. So soon she won't have to have that bandaid on her neck that she's been wearing ever since i first noticed it. I imagine all her frinends at school will be interestedin seeing the scar now. lol They certainly inquiered enuf about it when she showed up with the bandaid. lol

Anyway--thats all for now. I'm jsut passing thru. Don't want to sit idle for too long. HAVE A GR8 DAY EVERYONE!!
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