To say it's been too long would be an understatement!

Feb 04, 2013 11:55

And to say it "would be an understatment" would'nt even begin to come close. :-( I think i requier a way to express myself & record thoughts & feelings that facebook & twitter just can't provide. I've strayed from livejournal and i think it's truly done me more harm than good. Even reading back thru long past entries, i see i could express myself much better than i can now it seems. Maybe i'm out of practice? Maybe i'm now trained to condense "just the facts" into 140 characters?? LOL I'm not really sure to be honest--but one thing i have noticed just recently--and i'm sure its played a role in my absence here as well as been a cause of what seems to be the almost constant choas that is my daily life--and that is, for whatever reason, i don;t know WHY, but it seems that as i get older, i have less and LESS time. (Of course in the literal sense--thats' very true of all of us. LOL) but i mean within the confines of my day. i notice more so when i look back or can referrence something a year ago, then a year before that, etc. I know my "time management" has always been extremely poor, but is it getting progressively worse & worse?? Is that possible? *shrugs* maybe it is. Maybe it is just something as simple as that, but on the off chance that it's not....well that part scares the hell outta me.

*tries to shake it off*

Maybe i've just been thinking TOO much. It's almost 4 years ago that a series of really unpleasant things happened. Soon i'll see bunches of cut yellow tulips in the stores (if they're not there already) & that always reminds me of my Dad, because that's what i bought him & took to the hospital when he had his stroke. Just days before he passed. 4 years on now & it still seems surreal. I learned then how fragile life was it still terrifies me.

Yes i'm sure it's all connected.

Anyways, it's coming up on noon on my day & i've not accomplished anything because its so bone chilling cold (in my house!) but yet i can procrastinate no longer. (the procrastination plays a role in not being able to fit everything into my day too i'm *almost* certain of it. ;-p lol)

well i do hope that i remember to visit more often. I truly think it would be good for my soul. I hope everyone is healthy & may you have a spectacular 2013.
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