Application for thevelvetkey

Sep 16, 2011 14:16

Player Info:
Nickname: Roz
Age: 24
Personal LJ: balthier
Method of Contact: Plurk: artist | AIM: THE Balthier | Email: | LJ comments & PMs!
Characters Played: N/A

Character Info:
Name: Minako Arisato
Age: 16
Canon: Persona 3 (Portable)
Pull Point: Just as she arrives at Iwatodai Dorms and signs the contract.

Background Info:
History: Persona 3 @ Wiki | Minako Arisato @ Wikia

Her Wikia page doesn't really include her history, since it's similar to Minato's. Here's his Wikia page for your reference.

Though essentially being two sides of the same coin, Minako and Minato are completely different people in terms of personality. Minako is open and optimistic, spunky and energetic. She's also quite upfront and honest, she won't let her friends down and she's not one to stand by quietly while a friend is being put down - as shown in many of her S. Links. She's also very protective of the close friends she's made within SEES and will step in to protect them if necessary. Minako has the ability to draw people towards her; though she's outspoken she's also a very good listener and will let someone speak their mind before she puts her thoughts to play. Most of her S. Links come easier because of this and she's very easy to get along with due to her outgoing and friendly nature.

It is important to note that when she first started building S. Links outside of the SEES group, she did so for selfish reasons; S.Links increase the power of Persona Fusions. While some of the S. Links were formed naturally she did have to consciously pursue some at first, an example being her befriending an old drunkard monk in order to strengthen the Tower Social link. Though she built them for selfish reasons she came to appreciate her S. Links and the friends she made (even if they were old and skeevy!) and learnt a lot from going through them. Because of the bonds she's made and the love she has for the world she is able to make the ultimate sacrifice for them.

Minako is also good at reading people - she can tell how they're feeling and is empathetic to what they're saying. This often helps her to respond in the best way possible, though sometimes she will not say what she wants to but rather what she knows the other person wants to hear. Her strong empathy with people can sometimes hurt her. If someone is angry with her she will feel it hard and she doesn't like it. She prefers to keep people happy even if it means she can't get her true feelings out and due to this she can have a tendancy to make promises she cannot possibly keep, such as booking a day out with multiple people at once in an effort not to let anyone down. She is somewhat adaptable in terms of her personality when it comes to her interaction with different people. With Junpei she will act like a bit of a tomboy; with Fuuka she will be a bit more reserved and helpful and with Akihiko she will talk about training and trains with him.

Minako manages to stay incredibly calm in difficult situations. When she first arrived on Tatsumi Port Island it was The Dark Hour - the streets were filled with coffins and the atmosphere was nothing short of disturbing. Though she was slightly shaken she moved swiftly to her dorm. She also never freaked out when she saw Yukari pointing a gun at her head and was one of the most confident of the SEES members to use the evoker for the first time and summon her Persona (though she did hesitate, as anyone would).

Her adaptability to various situations also makes her a strong leader. In Tarturus she can modify her strategy to defeat the shadows efficiently and instruct all her team-mates. She also has the rare ability to summon a variety of different Personae due to her Wild Card ability; this is not without its cost, however, as it takes its toll on her and she can only carry a few at a time.

She can also be a little bit naive and a bit of a ditz at times. She doesn't realize she's become a popular girl at school amongst the boys, so when Junpei tells her about some perverted photos of her circulating through the school she's quite surprised. She can also be overly trusting at times which is shown in the Devil S. Link when she hands over money for a promise of turning it into a fortune.

One of the most unexpected things about Minako is her huge appetite; she can eat an extra large beef bowl and although she is fit to burst by the end of the meal she still manages to pack it away and remain slim. She loves food, loves cooking and is always willing to try new things - as long as it's tasty!

To summarize - Minako is a fairly normal teenage girl. She loves things most teenage girls love. To most people her rare ability or the secret of the school club, SEES, would never be known because of how normal she is.

Game Specific:
Arcana: Fool
Justification: Although having multiple arcanas, the Fool is her main Arcana in Canon.

First Person Sample:
Hello? Oh! Hi everyone. My name is Minako Arisato. I arrived here not too long ago.

[there's a small thoughtful pause]

I have a question, if you don't mind me asking. Did anyone else sign a contract before they arrived here? Or was there anything else that seemed strange before you arrived? I--

[another small pause, this was all just too weird]

The contract was from a small boy. I know it sounds odd, but maybe it's connected somehow?

Third Person Sample:
She was already apprehensive when she got off the train at Tatsumi Port Island. It was midnight, and everything seemed...strange.

Well strange may have been putting it lightly, when the moon was full and there were coffins stood upright at every turn. She took a deep breath and made her way to the dorms. As she made her way there she didn't see a single soul. Yes, it was midnight but...still. She thought to see at least one or two people walking around. It was just too quiet. She picked up the pace as she neared her destination.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she got there and placed her hand on the door to open it. When she entered the dorm she was greeted by a small boy. Handing her a contract and asking her to sign it.

"I chooseth this fate of mine own free will."

Those were the words written on it, and for some unknown reason she was compelled to sign her name on it. As she did, the boy's smile faded and she heard a whisper in her head.


She blinked a few times. This was not her dorms anymore, that she was certain. She wasn't sure if she was even on Tatsumi Port Island anymore. That contract she signed must have had something to do with this, as well as the weird goings on on the island.

Minako nodded with determination. She would have to find out what was going on.


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