Jan 28, 2005 04:35
Somehow or other, I'm (supposedly) eligible to vote in the upcoming Iraqi elections. I mention this (only half jokingly) because it amuses me more then it should. Unfortunately, I'd have to get to Dearbon, Michigan, Irvine, California or one of the other random locations (talk about taking a bad joke too far) they've decided would make for a good overseas polling locale. It's tempting though. I mean, thanks to all those get out and vote campaigns of election '04 I almost feel obligated to vote in every country I can now, whether or not they wanna count my absentee ballot, that is....which by my count would now be three. Would that make me susceptible to accusations of being "SIXTH columnist"? Go on, call me a sixth columnist, I dare ya!!! I'm not even sure that means anything. Oh man, but a post war Iraq's gonna be the next hot destination spot.... and I want my forty acres and a mule (or seaside resort town).