Apr 01, 2008 17:55

So I'm pretty stoked about my upcoming last leg of college. This summer I'll be taking a Graphic Novel Illustration course, some other dumb things, Tennis!, and painting. For the fall I'll only have Graphic Design V, Art after 1945, Advanced Internet Design and Yoga! And THEN I get to move to Asheville! Chapin is moving in August which is ok with me because then I'll really focus on my last semester since it'll be rather intense. Plus I get to live with Kaitlin and with Chapin in Asheville it'll give me time to learn the city better before I get there. Michelle is coming over for dinner in a bit so I have to clean up (clutter clutter clutter!) I want to watch Gilmore Girls without Chapin (he hasn't seen all of the seasons) but I can't decide if it's worth re-re-rewatching in such a short time span. Someone buy me seasons Six and Seven. Late birthday present? Think it over.
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