Jul 05, 2009 14:49
Seriously, the move is starting to be the worse I ever had so far, the planning is impeccable, however theres so much random events that it makes it impossible to follow deadlines.
Work (wait, did I mention I had a new job? well I do, in a vet clinic, anyway) is awesome, but stressful like none other, and I wouldn't change it for anything else right now ^^
buuuut, new job + move + paint + lack of car.... eewwww
We painted a lot, it's getting there, we still need a second coat in the (future) baby room (which is now grey/cream-ish and white-cream, easy to paint over, yet neutral enough for the months I'm not a mom) the living room red walls are done, it MIGHT need a third coat depending of how the colour turns out in the next day or two. The Studio/PC room is done (eggshell, I dont give a fuck about that room really, screw decor :P) and the master bedroom is done (a very soft cream-wheat colour on two walls, and a stronger sand/corn colour on the other, will have white moldings) Kitchen needs to be done, but its going to be relatively easy. The only prob, I work 6 days this week and we're moving on Sunday, the only day I don't work :P uray, serge will mostly have to paint alone and I'll pack more when I finish work. (after some "relax time" which I need after, or It affects me too much)
last sprint then its over.. wooo