Seems last week was a fluke. Ah well.
The score was 7-3, which is respectable, at least, unlike last season. Too bad they only took 15 shots at me, which is a horrible ratio. I normally average about a 66% save rate, so I was rather unhappy with myself.
Though, to be honest, I'm not sure we had a lot of chance against them. This place does five levels of skill, from expert (level 1), to beginner (level 5). (Levels 4 and 5 are beginner, with level 4 being a sort of "advanced beginner" rank.)
Now, at any game that requires someone to rate themselves, you're going to find players who rate themselves lower, so they've got an easier game - the sort of "big fish in a little pond" mentality. I'm playing at level 5. Technically, I'm not a beginner, per se - I've got about 8 years of soccer under my belt, counting AYSO, high school, and college intramural (with
mngstar and
chazari). But I've never been terribly good at it. It's also been 12 years since I graduated from college, so to say that I'm rusty is an understatement - and since I've only worked desk jobs since then, I'm a tad on the out-of-shape side too. In my prime, I might've been a level 4, but for now, level 5 is where I'm at. Especially with a sore ankle.
The other goalie from last night? Probably could comfortably be in level 4. He made some saves that were really great. But, okay, no biggie, you can argue for someone who's borderline level 4 to be in a level 5 league.
But the one girl who scored most of the goals against me? She pulled a bicycle kick in the last few minutes of the game. (FTR, she missed, but not by a whole lot.) IMO, nobody who even contemplates actually doing one of those during a game - much less pulls it off successfully and almost scores without injuring themselves - qualifies as a beginner.