Apr 02, 2010 01:09
Everyone, I'm informing you of DATS' preparations to undertake a great initiative.
You are all familiar with the events that occurred several months ago, regarding the assailants and their victims. In the time since, we have determined that the attacks were masterminded by an as of yet unidentified individual, who worked with the fugitive Kagura Tsukasa to put a bounty on numerous individuals. The reason for this was to send a message... that we are not invincible, and that they have to power to engineer our destruction.
Today, we begin our effort to prove those words wrong. Thanks to agent Rattrap, we have identified the source of the anonymous message that was transmitted several months ago: a location in D'Ango Forest. Advance scouting has determined that the location is a fortified base, and that it is guarded by who we believe to be Asukan mercenaries.
I will be leading a team of myself, Agent Rattrap, and several volunteers to the base in order to see what can be learned there, and to determine whether or not we can find any information about our mastermind.
But that will not be the end of our efforts. I am calling on all members of DATS - in my branch or otherwise - to get out there and hit the streets. The assailants are still out there, walking free... we will show them that they cannot get away with what they have done. If you see any of them out and about in the streets, arrest them and confiscate their D-Comms, so we can glean whatever data we need about their transactions with this supposed conspiracy.
Furthermore, keep your eyes out for any strange behavior, or signs of goings on... recent rumblings have led us to believe that the criminal underworld is becoming more bold, and that we need to see just how many of them are involved with deeper mysteries. Be on the lookout for agents of the Tetha Police, the Hellfire Gang, and the Syndicate...
... And most importantly of all...
Be careful everyone.
- Commander Fate Testarossa Harlaown
investigation plot,