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last thoughts
Mar 30, 2005 10:01
I'm getting a tan
I lost seven lbs in the last month
My boss said I was a good dancer
I'm dropping out of calculus
don't sleep w/stuffed animals, it hurts the love life
I'll tell you later
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Missing You So Much
April 1 2005, 15:39:30 UTC
[When I look in the mirror, I see...]
room for improvement
[My best trait(s) is/are...]
good friend & listener
[I am most afraid of...]
becoming my mother
[If I could be anywhere right now, I would be...]
outside watching those birds that I saw this morning
[My worst trait(s) is/are...]
I overthink everything
[I am happiest when...]
I'm doing nothing
[My ideal world would be one in which...]
people were satisfied
[If the world ends tomorrow, I hope I...]
am the last one alive
[I believe in...]
[The last book I read was...]
The Tao of Pooh
[The last song I listened to was...]
[The last movie I saw was...]
Good Girl Friday
[The worst thing I have ever done was...]
creating an ant holocaust, when they invaded my bedroom
[The scariest dream I ever had was...]
a volcano was outside my house exploding, and me and dad took the stroller and had to find mom and matt
I hate volcanos
[The most interesting dream I ever had was...]
I don't remember much, but their was a huge house, and a round bowl thing w/fish in it, it reminded me of an atlantis type thing
[My relationship with my parents is...]
I'm a border in their house
[My relationship with myself is...]
bi-polar, I'm still figuring things out
[My relationship with god/God is...]
[I want to...]
get out of Oklahoma
[I hope...]
I stay a vegetarian my whole life
[The most wonderful thing in the world is...]
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room for improvement
[My best trait(s) is/are...]
good friend & listener
[I am most afraid of...]
becoming my mother
[If I could be anywhere right now, I would be...]
outside watching those birds that I saw this morning
[My worst trait(s) is/are...]
I overthink everything
[I am happiest when...]
I'm doing nothing
[My ideal world would be one in which...]
people were satisfied
[If the world ends tomorrow, I hope I...]
am the last one alive
[I believe in...]
[The last book I read was...]
The Tao of Pooh
[The last song I listened to was...]
[The last movie I saw was...]
Good Girl Friday
[The worst thing I have ever done was...]
creating an ant holocaust, when they invaded my bedroom
[The scariest dream I ever had was...]
a volcano was outside my house exploding, and me and dad took the stroller and had to find mom and matt
I hate volcanos
[The most interesting dream I ever had was...]
I don't remember much, but their was a huge house, and a round bowl thing w/fish in it, it reminded me of an atlantis type thing
[My relationship with my parents is...]
I'm a border in their house
[My relationship with myself is...]
bi-polar, I'm still figuring things out
[My relationship with god/God is...]
[I want to...]
get out of Oklahoma
[I hope...]
I stay a vegetarian my whole life
[The most wonderful thing in the world is...]
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