An undereducated prediction of the future of Canada

May 03, 2011 12:36


Republican vs. Democrat = Conservative vs. NDP = Capitalists vs. Socialists = Right wing extremists vs. Left wing extremists.

No more middle ground to “agree on disagreements”.


With corporate tax cuts (Conservatives plan to create more jobs), corporations will exceed growth expectations, narrowing small business opportunities to an even smaller scale. High paying “numbered, faceless” jobs will be created in the corporate environment, reducing moral of the blue collar class.


Oil sands will be plundered ahead of environmental impact studies, in pursuit of “economic stability”. Corporate ownership of mega scale farming will continue to rise, widening the gap between farming principles based on sustainment. Tax breaks to small prairie farms an ill conceived notion.

Social Programs

Apathy to homelessness becomes a plague. Rather than develop a solution to improve the morale of street threatened people, brand new, privatized prisons suck on Canada’s tit.

Anti-abortion protests once again become a commonplace, in the hands of the less than accepting Conservative supporters. But we’ll have the policing to keep the clinics safe.

I’m a left winger, there’s no doubt about it. Canada will be a rich country, but will we be a proud Country? That will yet to be seen.

When people are worried about us becoming an Americanized state, I think it’s a reputation scare mostly. You know the old saying “strap a Canada flag emblem on your backpack, anybody in the world will Love you. Strap a US emblem on your backpack, and you could find yourself in dire need of a welcoming place to stay.”
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