Wow, a tv post! Seems like forever since I've done one.
Heroes 4.16 "Pass/Fail" - this was a great episode. I was genuinely interested in most of what went down. Some of it I hated, but at least I wasn't BORED, which is more than I can say for the rest of the season.
The Good:- Hiro's Trial - very well done - I liked the lighting and the dream-logic of it all. Seeing Sark Anders Adam again was unexpectedly fun.
- Even though it should fall under the above, this was so good it needs its own bullet point - "Objection, your honor - he's just reciting the opening to Quantum Leap"! I seriously lol'ed at that. I had to rewind, laughing too hard to hear the next bit. I don't remember the last time that happened during a comedy, let alone on Heroes!
The Bad:- Samuel - his storyline, his stupid stalking and abduction of Vanessa - I don't like him one bit. I spent a lot of the season trying to talk myself into being ok with his character because the actor's kind of hot in a Johnny Depp-as-Captain-Jack-Sparrow way, and I love the tattoo thing, but I really don't like his character and find him rather pathetic. And I hate the way the show totally makes him right about Vanessa, typical patriarchy talking: "She rebuffs you? Just kidnap her and wear her down by refusing to let her go because eventually she'll give in and remember how great your love was" FUCK YOU Heroes
- Matt Parkman and his constant groveling to his stereotypically bitchy wife annoys me. Just break up already! Even blonde Speedster and his Fated Love were better than this shite!
and The Shippy:- Claire/Gretchen - I am really surprised by the fact that they really might be going there, that it's not just a bicurious one-time thing. I like it - though I'm still working on my Zima issues. Though I did not like the emotional cheat of making the Gretchen of the closet (and hence the one Claire thought she was pouring out her heart to) turn out to be Sylar - reminds me of Torchwood when they robbed the Peter of character development to pay the Paul of HSQ.
- Claire/Sylar - the Sylaire(?) shippers must be going nuts, their ship is totally canon now, at least on Sylar's part. This one disturbed me a LOT, not least because it hit not a few of my kinks a la SPN's "Skin" (bondage, pathetic shapeshifter trying to get an interpersonal connection by stealing someone else's face). But the overarching reality is still so gross - Sylar is horrible! Claire has every reason to run away and/or stab him in the eye with pencils! - that I can't get behind it. I can't really get behind Sylar and anyone. Gabriel Gray, yes. Which is why my Mylar fic is secretly not Mylar at all, but Gabriel Gray/Mohinder instead. The fact that anyone ships Sylar qua Sylar disturbs me in and of itself, like women writing love letters to serial killers.
- Hiro/Ando - Dude. I wish Charlie wasn't so adorable because I'd love to see these two come out of the closet. They've been super-shippy lately - I loved the bit in 4.13 "Upon This Rock" when Ando is the only one who can decode Hiro's encrypted rambling - ♥!
Doctor Who 4.?? "The End of Time" - I must confess, DW lost me (again - having done so in the past but come back by the sheer adorableness of David Tennant) this season when the Doctor Donnas were eliminated. That was apparently just too cool for RT. It's been a letdown ever since. This special (what number is it anyhow? Can't find it on Epguides) was no different. And all that moping and crying about not wanting to leave? Is bullshit. Either he remembers everything and is just wearing a different meat-suit, in which case the tear-jerking is nonsensical and OOC, or he doesn't remember or experiences a break in consciousness which, IIRC, goes against 40-odd years of canon. Maybe I'm wrong but it struck me as being more pointless manipulation of the viewers a la Rose & the Doctor's extended emo-porn parting (again!) in 2.13 "Doomsday". Feh. I will say that DT is still my favorite Doctor. Understanding I haven't seen Old Who except like one special featuring all 5 Drs and boy that Tom Baker was super-cute. Finally young Mr. Matt Smith didn't fill me with rage in the thirty seconds of screentime he had, so that's good. (Except "am I a girl?" YES YOU SHOULD BE A GIRL YOU SHOULD BE DOCTOR "BADASS" DONNA GOD DAMN IT *shakes fists*)
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