Good news, everybody! The
Gender Genie thinks my fic was written by a female. At least, most of what I bothered to test. It thought Seeing Stars was written by a male but I actually think that works, because it was supposed to be in Jensen's voice so in this case "dudely" actually makes some kind of sense. Of course, it's all a complete crock (aside from the concept which is inherently b/s in my opinion) because they are coding "the", "at" and "a" as masculine. With criteria like that, it's a wonder anything ever comes up female!*
Yeah. Also, I am deliberately NOT posting about the various mildly annoying things going on in my life right now. OK fine, twist my arm - I hate this stupid fucking weather (hot/cold/hot/cold), my skin is dry and itchy and I want to take a bath but I can't because I have no bathtub, and I can't start my renovation work to put in a bathtub because I have to fill out some insane bureaucratic forms to get the co-op board's approval, which aforementioned forms I do not understand because I've never done reno before (aiii, so confusing) and to add insult to injury, my
CatGenie is broken and I am deathly afraid of the horror of trying to fix it myself. I know. I'm supposed to be so technical! But this involves a device full of cat shit and the whole reason I bought this damn thing was to avoid dealing with the shite - literally! I tried to call their customer support but was told to leave a message which cha, right. I do have the manual, I just can't deal. Poor Diablo has to use an emergency temporary litterbox made out of a very large and wide shoebox. He is as unhappy as you can imagine. (Once you go CatGenie, you never want to go back.) Oh and and AND, I think I have allergies. More than the usual hayfever or whatever. Every single morning within about 15 minutes of sitting in front of my computer I begin to sneeze violently. I take masses of Claritin and it does nothing! My eyes are so itchy and dry that I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of tears. Of course, it doesn't help that I keep staying up wayyyyy too late and not getting enough sleep. Not helpful, self!
*looks at time*
*runs away*
* - massive ETA: It's also sort of stupidly a propos because I am actively examining my own unresolved gender issues and internalized misogyny - especially as unintentionally expressed in my writing (hello, 5 Times) - so it's too bad the stupid "Gender Genie" can't actually analyze anything useful, like how many stereotypes and sexist tropes are in your stories because I fear mine would be very high - at least for SPN I know they would. This makes me very sad - and the show's own sexism is no excuse - and I am afraid I'll have to take them down at some point. I never understood why anyone would want to do that before, but if I can't respect or stand behind my own work in terms of social ethics and responsibility, I don't know if I want it out there at all. Maybe in theory I could rescue it by revising, but I kind of doubt it.